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Programming Style and Technique

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1 Programming Style and Technique
Notes for Ch.8 of Bratko For CSCE 580 Sp03 Marco Valtorta

2 Use of Recursion: maplist
maplist is an example of a “higher-order function”: a function that applies to another function In the original LISP (McCarthy, 1960): ((label maplist (lambda (x f) (cond ((null x) ‘( )) (‘t (cons (f (car x)) (maplist (cdr x) f)))))) Maplist( List, F, NewList) if NewList contains the result of applying F to each element of List, in order The function F the binary relation representing the function we want to apply

3 maplist II Boundary (base) case: List = [ ]
if List = [ ] then NewList = [ ] General case: List = [ X|Tail] To transform a list of the form [ X|Tail], do transform the item X by F, obtaining New X, and transform the list Tail obtaining NewTail the whole transformed list if [ NewX|NewTail] See renamed maplist1, because maplist is built in, with slightly different meaning call/2 can be used for a more functional (less relational) style

4 Generalization Generalization allows us to use recursion
Example: eight queens without generalization, no integer to recur on! Define nqueens( Pos,N) if N queens are safe in position Pos Base case: N = 0: trivial General case: N > 0 achieve a safe configuration of N-1 queens add the remaining queen so that it does attack eightqueens( Pos) :- nqueens( Pos,8).

5 Debugging Most Prolog interpreters and compilers use a four-port model for goals call foo/n succeed fail retry

6 Debugging Example ch3_1.pl1 [trace] 1 ?- del( a,[a,b,a],L)
See Section 2.9 of SWI-Prolog manual for some extensions

7 Improving Efficiency Eight queens, again: Map coloring
using a more informed initial ordering of queen coordinate values helps, as described in the comments at the end of Map coloring start with countries that have many neighbors Warnsdorff’s heuristic for the knight’s tour

8 Difference Lists concat( A1-Z1,Z1-Z2,A1-Z2). See UseDefK4.ppt

9 Accumulators sumlist See UseDefK4.ppt

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