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Service takes place when divine resources meet human needs through loving channels to the glory of God.

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2 Service takes place when divine resources meet human needs through loving channels to the glory of God.

3 A. Sit at Jesus’ Feet – Luke 10:38-42
I. Tapping into the Divine Resources A. Sit at Jesus’ Feet – Luke 10:38-42 1) Two Choices: a) Mary Chose Relationship at the Cost of Everything else b) Martha Chose Service at the Cost of Relationship

4 A. Sit at Jesus’ Feet – Luke 10:38-42
I. Tapping into the Divine Resources A. Sit at Jesus’ Feet – Luke 10:38-42 2) Two Outcomes: a) Mary Was Filled Up b) Martha Was Anxious & Troubled

5 God Wants Your Heart Before Your Service
I. Tapping into the Divine Resources A. Sit at Jesus’ Feet – Luke 10:38-42 3) One Truth: God Wants Your Heart Before Your Service (Matthew 22:34-40)

6 B. Watch with Him One Hour - Matt. 26:36-41
I. Tapping into the Divine Resources B. Watch with Him One Hour - Matt. 26:36-41 1) Two Choices: a) Jesus Spends the Night in Prayer b) The Disciples Spend the Night in Sleep

7 B. Watch with Him One Hour - Matt. 26:36-41
I. Tapping into the Divine Resources B. Watch with Him One Hour - Matt. 26:36-41 2) Two Outcomes: a) Jesus Stands Up to an Army b) The Disciples Run Away in Fear

8 Prayer Unlocks Divine Resources
I. Tapping into the Divine Resources B. Watch with Him One Hour - Matt. 26:36-41 3) One Truth: Prayer Unlocks Divine Resources (James 5:16)

9 C. Be Filled by the Holy Spirit– Acts 1:8
I. Tapping into the Divine Resources C. Be Filled by the Holy Spirit– Acts 1:8 1) Two Choices: a) Serve in Your Own Strength & Ability b) Serve in the Power of the Holy Spirit

10 C. Be Filled by the Holy Spirit– Acts 1:8
I. Tapping into the Divine Resources C. Be Filled by the Holy Spirit– Acts 1:8 2) Two Outcomes: a) Nothing Left on the Altar – 1 Cor. 3:10-15 b) Fruit That Lasts – John 15:5,16

11 The Spirit has All the Divine Resources you need to face any challenge
I. Tapping into the Divine Resources C. Be Filled by the Holy Spirit– Acts 1:8 3) One Truth: The Spirit has All the Divine Resources you need to face any challenge (1 John 4:4)

12 A. Trust God’s Sovereignty– Psalm 135:6
II. Meeting Human Needs A. Trust God’s Sovereignty– Psalm 135:6 B. Just Pass Out the Bread– John 6:1-14

13 A. Live Like a Spiritual Billionaire
III. Some Thoughts on Application A. Live Like a Spiritual Billionaire B. Live with Open Eyes and a Willing Heart

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