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Biome Poetry Each line of the poem must begin with the letters in the biome name. Include location, temperature, precipitation, flora, fauna and any.

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Presentation on theme: "Biome Poetry Each line of the poem must begin with the letters in the biome name. Include location, temperature, precipitation, flora, fauna and any."— Presentation transcript:

1 Biome Poetry Each line of the poem must begin with the letters in the biome name. Include location, temperature, precipitation, flora, fauna and any other facts you think are interesting. To locate information needed for this project, students can go to

2 Acrostic Poems/ Biomes
You will create 9 Acrostic Poems using the first letters of each of the following words. 1. Cover Page of folder (named included on this page) 2. BIOME 3. TUNDRA 4. TAIGA 5. TEMPERATE FOREST 6. RAINFOREST 7. DESERT 8. SAVANNA 9. PRAIRIE 10. CHAPARRAL Each line of the poem must begin with the letters of the biome. You must include temperature, precipitation, flora (plants), fauna (animals), location PLUS any other interesting fact. The final project can be hand written or typed, You pick! Please be creative. NEATNESS COUNTS!!!! The final project should be colorful and imaginative and NEAT. Watch your spelling!! Each topic must include an 8.5 x 11 hand drawn colored picture (no computer printouts) representing the topic. The illustrations must be on a separate paper. It should not be on the poetry page. The project must be assembled into a 3-prong folder with a cover page, and you must decorate the cover page. Your name should also be locate on the cover. Total Points: 10 points for each page/poem. 5 points for each illustration. 5 points will be deducted if your poems are not neatly done. LATE OR INCOMPLETE PROJECTS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. You will receive a zero. Incomplete means you did not meet the above requirements. There will be no partial credit. It’s ALL OR NOTHING!!!!!! Please sign below to acknowledge that you and your parents have read the instructions and understand the requirements.

3 B I O M E

4 T U N D R A

5 T A I G

6 F O R E S T T E M P R A

7 R A I N F O E S T

8 D E S R T

9 S A V N

10 P R A I E

11 C H A P R L

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