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(c) 2008, admin by Thousand Tongues

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1 (c) 2008, admin by Thousand Tongues
Lord, Forgive Us (c) 2008, admin by Thousand Tongues Verse 1: We have not known You as we ought Nor bowed before Your pow'r; The things of earth have filled our thoughts And wasted many hours. We have not feared You as we ought Nor stopped to give You praise; By countless words and deeds and thoughts Your love we have betrayed.

2 (c) 2008, admin by Thousand Tongues
Lord, Forgive Us (c) 2008, admin by Thousand Tongues Chorus: Lord, forgive us By the mighty cross And from above Rain down Your love; Lord, break our hearts By the grace You impart And give us strength to fight this war.

3 (c) 2008, admin by Thousand Tongues
Lord, Forgive Us (c) 2008, admin by Thousand Tongues Verse 2: We have not served You as we ought, Commands are left undone; Our works with wickedness are fraught, Our battles scarcely won. We have not loved You as we ought Nor cherished saving grace; Your presence we have coldly sought, The world we have embraced.

4 (c) 2008, admin by Thousand Tongues
Lord, Forgive Us (c) 2008, admin by Thousand Tongues Chorus: Lord, forgive us By the mighty cross And from above Rain down Your love; Lord, break our hearts By the grace You impart And give us strength to fight this war.

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