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“It’s Christmas Eve and we’re going to talk about a genealogy in Church!”

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2 “It’s Christmas Eve and we’re going to talk about a genealogy in Church!”

3 The story of Christmas is…
the story of God’s grace!

4 Four

5 Summary The fourth son of Jacob The first three have trouble Marries a Canaanite First two sons act wickedly and die Judah becomes superstitious Tamar acts immorally to have a child Self-righteous Judah, “burn her” Twins born; Perez and Zerah Ruth 4:11-12; Gen. 49:10; Rev. 5:5 Gen. 38 Judah and Tamar

6 Our beginnings don’t have to be our ends!
Our family background doesn’t determine what we become. Our beginnings don’t have to be our ends! Gen. 38 Judah and Tamar

7 Salmon and Rahab the Harlot
Summary When Israel entered the Promise Land, Joshua sends our spies to Jericho They are welcomed and helped by Rahab the harlot So, the spies promised Rahab neither she nor her loved ones would be harmed After Jericho is destroyed, Rahab is taken as a wife by Salmon, son of the leader of Judah, Israel’s largest tribe Rahab becomes the great-great- grandmother of King David Josh. 2; 6 Salmon and Rahab the Harlot

8 Our beginnings don’t have to be our ends!
In God’s hands, our past doesn’t need to determine our future. Our beginnings don’t have to be our ends! Book of Ruth Boaz and Ruth

9 Summary Ruth had a Gentile past, out of the covenant family Her husband dies, but she stays loyal to her mother-in-law She is loyal, hard-working, respectful, humble, and beautiful She marries the Kinsman redeemer She becomes the grandmother of King David Book of Ruth Boaz and Ruth

10 Our beginnings don’t have to be our ends!
Our ethnic and racial backgrounds don’t determine who we are in God’s eyes, nor how He can use us. Our beginnings don’t have to be our ends! Book of Ruth Boaz and Ruth

11 Summary David is not where he is supposed to be, gets tempted, and has an affair with Bathsheba, who then becomes pregnant Uriah will not be disloyal, in spite David’s efforts David has Uriah murdered God disciplines and they lose their child Jedidiah (“beloved of the Lord”), later named Solomon (“peace”), is born Solomon becomes the heir of David 2 Sam David and Bathsheba

12 Our beginnings don’t have to be our ends!
God can turn even serious failure into lives used for His glory. Our beginnings don’t have to be our ends! 2 Sam David and Bathsheba

13 Let’s talk about how we can do that.
So, what’s your story? Are you grateful for grace this Christmas? Are you making sure others are aware that they can be objects of God’s grace, as well? Let’s talk about how we can do that.

14 Plan and pray Expect answers Act on your plan Care about the person, not just the plan Explain the story

15 In this way, you can help them to have peace with God!
Plan and pray Expect answers Act on your plan Care about the person, not just the plan Explain the story


17 Our beginnings don’t have to be our ends!
Wouldn’t it be great if everyone knew that?

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