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Benefits of Updated Learning Spaces

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1 Benefits of Updated Learning Spaces
Whitney Shofstall CUR 545 April 10, 2017 Professor Cheryl Franklin

2 Updated Learning Spaces
Studies show an increased success rate for students in improved learning spaces that center on student learning. These redesigned classrooms support collaborative learning, discussion, and activity. Students are found to be more engaged when the classroom is self-led, collaborative, and social.

3 Studies Show… University of Washington completed a study that temperature, lighting, and classroom decoration can effect student learning. A study by the University of Melbourne shows that student achievement increases 15% when classrooms change from a traditional to a redesigned classroom. In classrooms with active learning supported by a redesigned learning environment showed 48% more active discussions from students.

4 technology Integration
With updated learning spaces comes the opportunity to increase access to technology. Classrooms can have updated hardware such as: Smart Boards, Document Cameras, Microphone systems, projectors, etc. Technology hookups can be added as well in order to support more variety and ability to charge tablets, iPads, laptops, Chromebooks, camera’s, etc. An array of technology can open up more opportunities for variety of student learning.

5 Updated learning spaces around the world
New Zealand has updated its legal and design standards which has included how to apply flexible learning spaces as well as construct them. In New South Whales there is much support for flexible learning, collaborative learning, as well as technology integration for 21st century learners. A total of $3.7 billion as been accumulated to build new and refurbish learning spaces In Denmark, a 1,000 student school has created a one room open classroom in order to inspire creativity. There are moveable walls to allow for small group work. In Peru there are a system of 29 schools with 20,000 students which focus on having a student centered classroom as well as discovery of knowledge through the application of technology. All classrooms have moveable furniture in order to meet the needs of each individual classroom.

6 Resources Home. (2017, February 15). Retrieved from

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