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Organelles Diffusion & Osmosis Transport Across Membranes Cell Cycle

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1 Organelles Diffusion & Osmosis Transport Across Membranes Cell Cycle
Eleanor M. Savko Diffusion & Osmosis Transport Across Membranes 11/20/2018 Cell Cycle Scramble title 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500

2 Name the organelle where DNA is stored
Eleanor M. Savko 11/20/2018 Name the organelle where DNA is stored

3 This organelle is where ribosomes make proteins that are modified and
Eleanor M. Savko 11/20/2018 This organelle is where ribosomes make proteins that are modified and shipped around the cell.

4 Which organelle allows
Eleanor M. Savko 11/20/2018 Which organelle allows plant cells to convert sunlight to food?

5 Explain the difference
Eleanor M. Savko 11/20/2018 Explain the difference Between the nucleoid and nucleus.

6 bacteria, animals & plants.
Eleanor M. Savko 11/20/2018 Name three cell structures shared by bacteria, animals & plants.

7 Is dissolving a sugar cube in a cup of coffee diffusion or osmosis?
Eleanor M. Savko 11/20/2018 Is dissolving a sugar cube in a cup of coffee diffusion or osmosis?

8 describes equal numbers of solute molecules inside and outside
Eleanor M. Savko 11/20/2018 What is the term that describes equal numbers of solute molecules inside and outside of a cell ?

9 Explain the difference
Eleanor M. Savko 11/20/2018 Explain the difference between diffusion and osmosis.

10 In which direction will water move when a cell is
Eleanor M. Savko 11/20/2018 In which direction will water move when a cell is placed in a hypertonic solution ?

11 Explain how single-celled freshwater organisms deal
Eleanor M. Savko 11/20/2018 Explain how single-celled freshwater organisms deal with living in a hypotonic environment.

12 active transport across a cell
What is the difference between passive and active transport across a cell membrane ?

13 What passive transport mechanism allows ions to
cross the cell membrane ?

14 Describe the process of endocytosis

15 What process to ions use to enter cells without using energy?

16 Describe what happened to the egg in the distilled water in your Eggsperiment

17 What is the longest stage of the cell cycle?

18 What is mitosis?

19 What occurs during anaphase?

20 What happens during telophase?

21 Name two ways that cells transport materials across a membrane without using energy

22 What does the cell membrane consist of?

23 Name this building block of the cell membrane.

24 Eukaryotic cells have them; prokaryotic cells do not.

25 Are unicellular protists prokaryotes or eukaryotes?

26 What are three reasons for cells to divide?

27 review jeopardy Play the song

28 Nucleus

29 Endoplasmic Reticulum or ER

30 Chloroplast

31 in a prokaryotic cell where DNA is stored and a nucleus is a membrane
Nucleoid is the region in a prokaryotic cell where DNA is stored and a nucleus is a membrane bound organelle in eukaryotic cells.

32 Cell membrane, cytosol, ribosomes

33 Diffusion

34 Isotonic solution

35 Water will leave the cell.

36 Diffusion is the movement of molecules down a concentration
gradient; osmosis is the movement of water molecules across a membrane.

37 They remove the excess water that enters by osmosis, often
using contractile vacuoles.

38 In active transport, a cell
must expend energy.

39 Cell membrane forms a vesicle around materials and materials enter cell

40 Vesicles containing the neurotransmitters fuse with the cell membrane of the pre-synaptic neuron and are expelled into the synaptic cleft by exocytosis.

41 Facilitated diffusion

42 The solution was hypotonic to the egg, meaning that there was a greater concentration of water outside the egg, water therefore flowed into the egg.

43 Interphase

44 The division of the nucleus

45 to opposite poles of the cell
Sister chromatids are separated and moved to opposite poles of the cell

46 decondense into chromatin
The chromosomes decondense into chromatin and two new nuclei form

47 Facilitated diffusion
Osmosis Facilitated diffusion

48 Phospholipids, cholesterol, membrane proteins

49 Phospholipid

50 Nucleus and membrane-bound organelles

51 Eukaryotes

52 Growth, repair and reproduction

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