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2 Basic Chemistry.

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1 2 Basic Chemistry

2 Matter and Energy Matter—anything that occupies space and has mass (weight) Energy—the ability to do work Chemical Electrical Mechanical Radiant

3 Composition of Matter Elements—fundamental units of matter
96 percent of the body is made from four elements Carbon (C) Oxygen (O) Hydrogen (H) Nitrogen (N) Atoms—building blocks of elements

4 Subatomic Particles Nucleus Protons (p+) Neutrons (n0)
Orbiting the nucleus Electrons (e–) Number of protons equals numbers of electrons in an atom

5 Nucleus Nucleus Helium atom Helium atom 2 protons (p+) 2 neutrons (n0)
2 electrons (e–) 2 protons (p+) 2 neutrons (n0) 2 electrons (e–) (a) Planetary model (b) Orbital model KEY: = Proton = Electron = Neutron = Electron cloud Figure 2.1

6 Figure 2.2

7 Identifying Elements Atomic number— equal to the number of protons that the atom contains Atomic mass number—sum of the protons and neutrons

8 Isotopes and Atomic Weight
Atoms of the same element with the same number of protons and the same atomic number Vary in number of neutrons

9 Figure 2.3

10 Isotopes and Atomic Weight
Close to mass number of most abundant isotope Atomic weight reflects natural isotope variation

11 Radioactivity Radioisotope Heavy isotope Tends to be unstable
Decomposes to more stable isotope Radioactivity—process of spontaneous atomic decay

12 Molecules and Compounds
Molecule—two or more atoms of the same elements combined chemically Compound—two or more atoms of different elements combined chemically

13 Figure 2.4

14 Chemical Reactions Atoms are united by chemical bonds
Atoms dissociate from other atoms when chemical bonds are broken

15 Electrons and Bonding Electrons occupy energy levels called electron shells Electrons closest to the nucleus are most strongly attracted Each shell has distinct properties The number of electrons has an upper limit Shells closest to the nucleus fill first

16 Electrons and Bonding Bonding involves interactions between electrons in the outer shell (valence shell) Full valence shells do not form bonds

17 Inert Elements Atoms are stable (inert) when the outermost shell is complete How to fill the atom’s shells Shell 1 can hold a maximum of 2 electrons Shell 2 can hold a maximum of 8 electrons Shell 3 can hold a maximum of 18 electrons

18 Inert Elements Atoms will gain, lose, or share electrons to complete their outermost orbitals and reach a stable state Rule of eights Atoms are considered stable when their outermost orbital has 8 electrons The exception to this rule of eights is Shell 1, which can only hold 2 electrons

19 Figure 2.5a

20 Reactive Elements Valence shells are not full and are unstable
Tend to gain, lose, or share electrons Allow for bond formation, which produces stable valence

21 Figure 2.5b

22 Chemical Bonds Ionic bonds
Atoms become stable through the transfer of electrons Form when electrons are completely transferred from one atom to another Ions Result from the loss or gain of electrons Anions are negative due to gain of electron(s) Cations are positive due to loss of electron(s)

23 Figure 2.6

24 Figure 2.6, step 1

25 Figure 2.6, step 2

26 Figure 2.6, step 3

27 Chemical Bonds Covalent bonds
Atoms become stable through shared electrons Electrons are shared in pairs Single covalent bonds share one pair of electrons Double covalent bonds share two pairs of electrons

28 Figure 2.7a

29 Figure 2.7b

30 Figure 2.7c

31 Covalent Bonds Covalent bonds are either nonpolar or polar Nonpolar
Electrons are shared equally between the atoms of the molecule Electrically neutral as a molecule

32 Figure 2.8a

33 Covalent Bonds Covalent bonds are either nonpolar or polar Polar
Electrons are not shared equally between the atoms of the molecule Have a positive and negative side or pole

34 Figure 2.8b

35 Chemical Bonds Hydrogen bonds Weak chemical bonds
Hydrogen is attracted to the negative portion of polar molecule Provides attraction between molecules

36 + H H O – Hydrogen bonds + H O + H – – – H H O O + + H H H + O H – (a) (b) Figure 2.9

37 Patterns of Chemical Reactions
Synthesis reaction (A + BAB) Atoms or molecules combine Energy is absorbed for bond formation Decomposition reaction (ABA + B) Molecule is broken down Chemical energy is released

38 Figure 2.10a

39 Figure 2.10b

40 Patterns of Chemical Reactions
Exchange reaction (AB + CAC + B) Involves both synthesis and decomposition reactions Switch is made between molecule parts and different molecules are made

41 Figure 2.10c

42 Biochemistry: Essentials for Life
Organic compounds Contain carbon Most are covalently bonded Includes carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, nucleic acids Inorganic compounds Lack carbon Tend to be simpler compounds Includes water, salts, and some acids and bases

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