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September 2018: Online Learning Presentation

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1 September 2018: Online Learning Presentation
Text Complexity September 2018: Online Learning Presentation

2 Essential Questions How is text complexity related to the work we do as Language Arts teachers?  How can you assess a text's complexity?  What is the difference between a quantitative and qualitative analysis of a text? How does this influence my selection?  How do I design lessons that appropriately consider the reader and task? 

3 Instructional Goal Our goal is to increase a student’s ability to work and succeed with complex texts. We know that we need to prepare students for post- secondary success, and to do this, we need to ensure that they are reading at grade level and/or above by the time they graduate our schools. To do this, Richard F. Elmore states, “There are only three ways to improve student learning at scale: You can raise the level of the content that students are taught. You can increase the skill and knowledge that teachers bring to the teaching of that content. And you can increase the level of students’ active learning of the content” (2008).

4 Keys to Improvement Elevate Content Elevate Staff Practice
Elevate Student Engagement In this presentation, we will focus on the elements used to define a text’s complexity and how that impacts the choices of the teacher and the engagement of the student.

5 Defining Text Complexity

6 What is “Text Complexity”?
Text Complexity is defined by: Quantitative Measures- readability and other scores of text complexity often best measured by computer software (Lexile, ATOS, Flesch-Kincaid) Qualitative Measures- levels of meaning, structure, language conventionality and clarity, and knowledge demands often best measured by an attentive human reader (Achieve Rubrics, Achieve the Core Rubrics) Reader and Task Considerations- background knowledge of reader, motivation, interests, and complexity generated by tasks assigned often best made by educators employing their professional judgment

7 Text Complexity Triangle
This is the traditional Text Complexity Triangle that became popular with the introduction of Common Core. Appendix A of the CCSS docs does a great job of breaking down each part of the triangle.

8 Text Complexity: Kansas Resource
This is part of a resource over text complexity that was published in July of and was created by two Kansas teachers: Julie Buzard and Lindsay McCracken. We know that our students learn in multiple ways, and so as a way of appealing to visual learners, Julie and Lindsay worked to create infographics explaining text complexity through visuals and simple statements. Go to the KSDE ELA page to access these two documents over text complexity.

9 Why does Text Complexity matter to me and my students?
Reading Standard 13 asks for students to “Read and comprehend high quality dramas, prose, and poetry of appropriate quantitative and qualitative complexity for [their respective grade levels]” (KELA, 2017). As teachers, it is our job to ensure that students are exposed to, and taught how to analyze, grade-appropriate literature. Not only do we want to promote high-level literacy learning in our classrooms, but we also want to make sure students are prepared for the difficulty level of texts they will encounter as they move through school and beyond.

10 What is does it mean to be “literate”?
Alvin Toffler said, “The illiterate of the twenty-first century will not be those who can not read and write, but those who can not learn, unlearn, and relearn.” We are not simply teaching our students how to read, but we are teaching them how to make sense of what they have read. They must be able to work with and manipulate texts not just comprehend.

11 Literacy as a Skill and Text
School Definition: the ability to read, write, and interpret various types of texts in the classroom “Read and comprehend high quality dramas, prose, and poetry of appropriate quantitative and qualitative complexity for [their respective grade levels]” (KELA, 2017). However, when we think of literacy, we often think of having the ability to read and write. That is the definition we are used to and that is what the standard asks us to teach. But truly becoming literate is more than just being able to read words on a page and write in complete sentences. Literacy is more than just a skill and a text.

12 Literacy as an Application of Knowledge and a Learning Process
Miles Myers: 4 Key Literacies (“habits of mind”) Embodied Knowledge: the self is an active learner and manager of thinking and time Situated Knowledge: the ability to translate among modes, speech events, signs, and stance Distributed Knowledge: the ability to use information technology Negotiated Knowledge: the capacity to translate from one viewpoint to another Literacy is an application of knowledge and a learning process. Literacy is being to read, comprehend, apply, and extend. In order to do all of those things, students must possess these 4 “habits of mind”.

13 When we talk about text complexity and its impact in our classrooms, we are in many ways talking about the types of knowledge we are attempting to help develop in our students. Meaning, in order for students to engage with complex texts successfully (in and out of our classes), they must know: how to be an active learner, how to interact with and make sense of various types of texts, how to use technology to enhance understanding, and how to reconstruct their views based on context.

14 “We should remember that they [students] come to us needing to learn how to do what we will ask of them.” -Jim Burke (The English Teachers Companion, 2008)

15 Interpreting Text Complexity

16 4 Step Process to Supporting Students Through Complex Texts
Know your READER Know your TASK Know your TEXT Plan for SUPPORT These four tenants were the foundation upon which Julie and Lindsay developed their text complexity resources for KSDE.

17 Know Your Reader

18 Reader Considerations
Student Interests Student Background and the possibility of and/or lack of social and cultural experiences Student English Language Proficiency Level (for ELLs) and SPED status/IEP Considerations Student Frustration level and Resiliency Are there more you can think of that are not on this list? (write them down to share with in the group conversation)

19 What must students believe in order to engage in your classroom and content?
I belong to this learning community. I can succeed at this. My ability and competence will grow with my effort. This work has value for me. This comes from Mindset Works/Academic Mindsets: 

Take a moment to really read and analyze each section of this graphic. How do you ensure all of these elements are considered when you/your school/your district determines texts and grade-level projects?

21 One Approach: Biography-Driven Instruction
Activate Background Knowledge What students bring from home. What students already experience in their community. What students have formally and informally experienced at school. Teacher Role Student Role Observes What can be learned about student’s experiences with the content? How does direct instruction need to be adapted to make connections with what students know (or have misconceptions about)? Students generate language that may or may not be associated with the topic and/or skill. While we often know that including students’ prior knowledge and culture into our classrooms is essential, there are not many systems in place that foster this inclusion in a way that folds into our teaching practice. Biography-driven Instruction in many ways serves to bridge this gap. Biography-Driven Instruction asks us to teach in a way that moves us through three phases: active, connect, and affirm. Read through the following slides to learn more about Biography-Driven Instruction and how you might be able to include it in your classroom to enhance your understanding of your readers.

22 Biography Driven Instruction: Step 2
Connection to Content Instruction Opportunity to confirm or disconfirm Background Knowledge input Opportunity to re-voice non-academic language in academic terms Knowledge from Community New Content and Skill Teacher Role Student Role Facilitates opportunities to define academic concepts using non or semi-academic terms. Opportunity to explicitly address or acknowledge misconceptions and correct connections.    Students relate what they know  to new concepts. Students have an opportunity to mix non-academic and academic language.    Knowledge from Home Knowledge from School

23 Biography Driven Instruction: Step 3
Affirm Assessment to confirm learning and note areas for future growth Formal or informal documentation of student progress within a standard (checklist, rubric, observations, etc). Teacher Role Student Role Facilitates student summation of learning. Assesses student growth within the standard. Observes and reflects on student learning to make future adjustments in instruction.   Students acknowledge learning using concepts and vocabulary taught.   Student opportunity to view  growth within the standard (from start to finish).

24 Know Your Task

25 Rigor is not in the text; rigor is what you do with it.

26 Adjusting Communicative Expectations
Balancing Student Ability Level with Grade Level Expectations Adjusting Communicative Expectations If given a grade level text, then demonstration of student learning should be skill-based and measured in a manner reflective of a student’s proficiency and/or ability in academic English. Grade Level Goal:  Grade level literacy Student Proficiency Adjusting Input Level If given a student-level text, then the demonstration of student learning should be scaffolded to teach and promote a grade-level response. While our goal is for every student to be grade-level readers, writers, speakers, and listeners, we know that many of our students come to us below their grade level mark. Thus, we have to find ways to push them to grade level without frustrating students with material that is too difficult. Thus, balancing text and task is vital to ensuring student investment and performance. If you give a student that is on grade level and above their reading level, then the work you ask of them should be on their level of production. Meaning, if you know a student will struggle to read the text, set them up to find success and make meaning at their ability level. The same is true if you give a student a text that is on their reading level. If you know that they will be able to read a text and make meaning easily, then challenge them to grow their analysis and the level of their production. This balance will ensure that students’ needs are taken into account, but it will also ensure that they are slowly moving higher and higher in both areas (reception and production).

27 “Standards only operate by influencing the level of content that’s being taught; their effect in actual classrooms depends on whether there are materials that reflect the standards, whether teachers know how to teach what the materials and standards require, and whether students find the work that they are being asked to do worthwhile and engaging.” (Elmore, 2008) Grade Level Standard/Text Assessments of growth within the standard Think: Do you have a variety of grade level texts in your classroom? When students are not at grade level, how are you supporting them? How are you balancing student-level texts with grade-level texts? What is Taught How it is Taught Objective

28 Increasing the Depth of Knowledge and Text Interaction for All Students
Each Kansas English Language Arts Standard asks students to engage with texts and writing in ways that move beyond remembering or basic understanding. Our standards ask that students interact with texts in order to form deeper understandings through application, strategic thinking, and hopefully, extension. Your tasks should ask students to develop deeper understandings of the content; however, in many cases, you will need to help students build their strategic and extended thinking by having them first develop a basic level of comprehension. Sample: DOK 1: Name several composers from the Baroque and Classical periods. DOK 2: Describe the differences between the Baroque and Classical periods. DOK 3: Critique, compare, and contrast pieces of music from the Baroque and Classical periods. DOK 4: Choose a period and develop a 16-measure piece of music from that style. By moving your students through the Depth of Knowledge spectrum, you almost have a guarantee that appropriate scaffolding is “doable”, manageable, and consistently in place.

29 Remember: DOK Levels are not Sequential. A student does not have to demonstrate mastery of Level 1 questions before moving on to Level 2 questions. Students should always be presented with questions that move them into greater depths of thinking. DOK Levels are not Developmental. A student, regardless of age or ability, can be asked questions at all levels. The point is to encourage complex thought even for students who may require support.

30 Task Evaluation Tool Analyzing Task Rubric (
This rubric asks you to analyze three things: a text’s alignment to your standards, its complexity for your grade level, and your plan for support.

31 Know Your Text

32 Quantitative Analysis:
Quantitative Measures are calculated electronically using “readability measures”. A number is calculated and the text is then assigned to a particular grade band. This number can function as a great starting point… However, this number is not effective when used in isolation. It might let you know how complex the words and syntax are, but it will not tell you how complex the overall structure is or how mature the ideas.

33 Quantitative Measures Table
Grade Band ATOS Degree of Reading Power Flesch-Kincaid Lexile Framework Reading Maturity Text Evaluator 2-3 42-54 4-5 52-60 6-8 57-67 9-10 62-72 11-12 67-74 For a description of each measure, please utilize the resource linked here.

34 Passage from Alice in Wonderland (Lexile 580 = Grade 3)
Alice was beginning to get very tired of sitting by her sister on the bank, and of having nothing to do: once or twice she had peeped into the book her sister was reading, but it had no pictures or conversations in it, ‘and what is the use of a book,’ thought Alice ‘without pictures or conversation?’ So she was considering in her own mind (as well as she could, for the hot day made her feel very sleepy and stupid), whether the pleasure of making a daisy-chain would be worth the trouble of getting up and picking the daisies, when suddenly a White Rabbit with pink eyes ran close by her. There was nothing so VERY remarkable in that; nor did Alice think it so VERY much out of the way to hear the Rabbit say to itself, ‘Oh dear! Oh dear! I shall be late!’ (when she thought it over afterwards, it occurred to her that she ought to have wondered at this, but at the time it all seemed quite natural); but when the Rabbit actually TOOK A WATCH OUT OF ITS WAISTCOAT-POCKET, and looked at it, and then hurried on, Alice started to her feet, for it flashed across her mind that she had never before seen a rabbit with either a waistcoat-pocket, or a watch to take out of it, and burning with curiosity, she ran across the field after it, and fortunately was just in time to see it pop down a large rabbit-hole under the hedge. In another moment down went Alice after it, never once considering how in the world she was to get out again. Does this text actually fit in a 3rd grade classroom? If you examine only its quantitative measure, then yes. But, if you begin to examine its qualitative features, you may change your mind.

35 Qualitative Analysis:
This piece asks you to examine the layout/organization, purpose and meaning, text structure, language features, and knowledge demands of a text. This can be used to assess pieces of text from any content area (ELA, Social Studies, Science, etc). It could be valuable to review qualitative analysis rubrics with your entire staff.

36 Evaluating Qualitative Measure
Rubric for Informational Text ( Rubric for Literary Text ( Rubric for Informational Text ( Rubric for Literary Text (

37 “The language used in complex texts differs enough from the English familiar to most students that it constitutes a barrier to understanding when they first encounter it in the texts they read in school” (Fillmore & Fillmore). When working with English Language Learners, we talk about BICS and CALP. BICS = Basic Interpersonal Communication Skills (every day speak) and CALP = Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency (academic language that is often times new to ALL students regardless of ELL status). This goes back to the idea that while some students may be ELL (English Language Learners) ALL students are LLL (Literacy Language Learners).

38 While we know that some of our students are English Language Learners (ELL), we forget that all of our students are Literacy Language Learners (LLL). “Ordinarily, language learning happens when learners come into close and frequent contact with speakers of the target language, and efforts are made both by the learners and target language speakers to communicate by use of that language. But interactional opportunities with speakers are seldom if ever available for the learning of academic language…they [students] need to learn how to gain access to the ideas encoded in this complex language.” (Fillmore & Fillmore). While we want to give students texts at their reading level, we need to be sure that we are not denying them the opportunity to encounter academic literacy for their grade. Thus, the importance of balancing the complexity of texts you include in your classroom.

39 All students need to learn academic language that is often found only in grade-level complex texts. While different students will require different levels of support, all students should have access to (and practice working through) grade-level complex texts.

40 Passage from Alice in Wonderland (Lexile 580 = Grade 3)
Alice was beginning to get very tired of sitting by her sister on the bank, and of having nothing to do: once or twice she had peeped into the book her sister was reading, but it had no pictures or conversations in it, ‘and what is the use of a book,’ thought Alice ‘without pictures or conversation?’ So she was considering in her own mind (as well as she could, for the hot day made her feel very sleepy and stupid), whether the pleasure of making a daisy- chain would be worth the trouble of getting up and picking the daisies, when suddenly a White Rabbit with pink eyes ran close by her. There was nothing so VERY remarkable in that; nor did Alice think it so VERY much out of the way to hear the Rabbit say to itself, ‘Oh dear! Oh dear! I shall be late!’ (when she thought it over afterwards, it occurred to her that she ought to have wondered at this, but at the time it all seemed quite natural); but when the Rabbit actually TOOK A WATCH OUT OF ITS WAISTCOAT-POCKET, and looked at it, and then hurried on, Alice started to her feet, for it flashed across her mind that she had never before seen a rabbit with either a waistcoat-pocket, or a watch to take out of it, and burning with curiosity, she ran across the field after it, and fortunately was just in time to see it pop down a large rabbit-hole under the hedge. In another moment down went Alice after it, never once considering how in the world she was to get out again.

41 Qualitative Features to Analyze for Alice in Wonderland Passage
Based on this qualitative analysis, you may find that this book would be best at the middle school level.

42 Plan for Support

43 Interventions to Avoid
Moving Students to an Easier Text While it may be appropriate at times to give students an on-level text, we must expose them to and teach them how to access grade-level texts. Student level texts can be used to build context or provide support, but we should always give students access to grade-level texts to read and analyze. Reading the Text to Students While this can be beneficial for our students to model fluency and pronunciation, we need to incorporate multiple opportunities for students to practice their own fluency development (with support). Telling the Students what the Text Says Summarizing is a great strategy to use with students, but not to do for students. One alternative, would be to have the students engage in “Close Reads” of particular passages. Ignoring the Problem It is our obligation to help our students achieve our grade level standards. While some of our students may come in academically behind, we must work to scaffold them to grade level literacy through exposure, support, and strategy.

44 Effective Literacy Instruction: As Outlined By Jim Burke
Students learn skills and knowledge in multiple lesson types. You must not only pre-teach the skills within your standards but the background knowledge necessary for understanding the content. This needs to be done in a supported (scaffolded) manner. Teacher integrate test preparations into instruction. “I do, we do, you do” model of instruction. Plan with the end in mind. If your standards ask for skill production, then your DOK alignments and lessons should prepare students for the end task (try to make this a grade level task with grade level reading as often as possible). Teachers make connections across instruction, curriculum, grades, and life. When you differentiate your curriculum, you are striving to create investment from the learner in these areas! Students learn strategies for doing the work! (SCAFFOLDING) Students are expected to be generative thinkers. Remember, students can only produce to the extent of their experience. If you want them to dig deeper, you need to show them how. Classrooms foster Cognitive Collaboration Students should be owners of their thinking and should feel empowered to share it.

45 Sarah Brown Wessling Model of Text Selection and Support
Fulcrum Text (Grade Level Text) Context Texts Texture Texts Theme/Essential Question: Ex. Do limitations placed upon people largely originate from internal or external factors? Texture Texts connect context and fulcrum texts in new ways. These texts work together to enhance reading of fulcrum. Fulcrum and Texture Texts are often directly juxtaposed, each offering nuance to the other. Fulcrum Example- A Raisin in the Sun Texture Example- “Faketown” Readers use context to prepare for deeper understanding of a fulcrum text. Context Example: Photos and Historical documents/video In order to support your students through a grade level complex text, you can give them on-level context and texture texts. You can use those on-level texts to teach skills and strategies for reading and analysis that students can then apply to a grade level text that may be more difficult.

46 Teaching Strategies Collaborating in Close Reading
“Baby Steps” and Close Reading of Informational Text SIFT (Symbolism, Imagery, Figurative Language, Tone/Theme) Scaffolding for ELLs Deconstructing a Complex Sentence Previewing Challenging Topics

47 Evaluation Tools and Resources
Evaluating Text and Task within a Unit ( Lesson Planning Tool ( Text Complexity Teacher Assessment Chart Questions for Consideration and Text Complexity Overview (KSDE resources created by Kansas Teachers)

48 Final Thoughts All students must have access to, and explicit instruction in working with, complex texts. A text is not just complex because of its quantitative measure; you must also examine its language and structural features and its cognitive demands on the reader. You can still provide students with text at their reading level, but as a support for the grade-level text that everyone will be reading. Try to balance reading level with product level. If a student is reading something above their ability, support what they do with the text. If a student is reading at their own ability level, then challenge them to produce a grade-level analysis. Focus on giving students strategies while teaching a text. Your instruction should not just focus on the information gained from a text (the what) but also on how to garner information from a text.

49 Online Meeting Dates (choose 1)
September 13: 3:30-4:45 September 27: 3:30-4:45 (If you can not join until 3:45 or 4:00, that is okay!) CSAS| Kansas State Department of Education | Landon State Office Building 900 S.W. Jackson St., Suite 653, Topeka, KS | |

50 Works Cited “Academic Mindsets for Learner Success”. Mindset Works Burke, J. The English Teacher’s Companion, 3rd Edition. Heinemann: Portsmouth, NH Elmore, R. Improving the Instructional Core. Harvard University: Graduate School of Education Fillmore, L. and C. Fillmore. What does Text Complexity Mean for English Learners and Language Minority Students? Understanding Language: Stanford University Fisher, D. and N. Frey. Text Complexity and Close Readings. International Reading Association: Engaging the Adolescent Learner Herrera, S. Biography Driven Culturally Responsive Teaching. Teachers College, Columbia University: New York, NY Rubrics from Rubrics from Rubrics from

51 Sarah D. Perryman, Education Program Consultant for English Language Arts
Kansas State Department of Education 900 SW Jackson St. Suite 653 The Kansas State Department of Education does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age in its programs and activities and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the nondiscrimination policies:  KSDE General Counsel, Office of General Counsel, KSDE, Landon State Office Building, 900 S.W. Jackson, Suite 102, Topeka, KS 66612, (785)  

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