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First Nations Political Organizations

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1 First Nations Political Organizations
Fighting for FN rights.

2 The beginning of political organization
Early 1900s: -FNs start to align themselves politically to fight for rights 1909 – Indian Tribes of the Province of BC  this was the first attempt to organize all the FNs in BC 1909 – Committee of friends of the Indians  a group of non-native ministers and supporters with the goal of advancing the recognition of Aboriginal rights public education and fundraising

3 Allied Indian Tribes of BC:
-a collective organization of BC FNs -organized themselves in response to: McKenna-McBride Commission  CUT OFF LANDS  BILL 14 2 Leaders: Andrew Paul and Peter Kelly -brought FN people together to protest / petition / rally -fell apart around 1929 after legislation was passed that prevented FNs to pursue land claims

4 Native Brotherhood of BC (1930s)
FN political organization that focused on: -improving Aboriginal Human Rights -creating Equality + Fair Treatment Main Focus / Goals:  improving working conditions for FNs  created a union of FNs in fishing industry  improve / change discriminatory laws The Success of the Native Brotherhood of BC: -helped FN people become eligible for: Old Age Pension Family Allowance -improved the medical and education services on reserves -lobbied to change the BC School Act to permit FN children to attend public schools!

5 Wikipedia Tribal Council
Tribal Councils 1950s – formation of Tribal Councils Tribal Council: -an organization of Aboriginal Communities that join together to achieve greater: 1. social 2. political 3. Economic -organized by language group / nation -Ex: Okanagan Nation is a tribal council Wikipedia Tribal Council Strength

6 Union of BC Indian Chiefs
-Created in 1969 in response to the “White Paper” Mandate: 1. To fight for the recognition of Aboriginal Rights and 2. Create respect for Aboriginal Cultures and Societies

7 BC Association of Non-Status Indians
-Created in 1969 to address the political and socio-economic concerns of Aboriginal people in : - Urban - Rural - Off Reserve 1976: Changed name to United Native Nations Society -focuses on issues for all Aboriginals (Metis, Non-Status, Inuit, FN, On-Reserve, Off Reserve etc.) Communities

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