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Histology: The Nervous System By Andrew W

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Presentation on theme: "Histology: The Nervous System By Andrew W"— Presentation transcript:

1 Histology: The Nervous System By Andrew W
Histology: The Nervous System By Andrew W. Parsons Copyright 2000, All Rights Reserved. Material is in logical order: see texts, lab. outline for characteristics To advance to next slide: -click mouse or “page down” To return to the previous slide: - press “page up”

2 Nervous Tissue A smear from the spinal cord Two cell types: -neurons

3 Nervous Smear - 100X Neurons

4 Nervous Smear - 450X Neurons Glial Cell nuclei

5 The Spinal Cord -Grey matter: -neuron somas -White matter:
-myelinated fibers

6 The spinal cord: 100X Grey matter White matter Neuron somas Myelinated
nerve fibers

7 A Peripheral Nerve -Myelinated fibers -Nodes of Ranvier

8 Myelin Nerve fiber (axon) Node of Ranvier

9 The Cochlea -Scala vestibuli -Scala tympani -Cochlear duct
-Organ of Corti

10 Organ of Corti Tectorial membrane Bipolar neuron somas in spiral ganglion Scala vestibuli Vestibular membrane Scala tympani Cochlear duct Hair cells Basilar membrane

11 The End Presentation & Photographs by Andrew W. Parsons
Copyright 2000, All Rights Reserved.

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