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Guided Pathways What’s the Plan for ?

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1 Guided Pathways What’s the Plan for 2016-2017?
“Exploring” is the theme of this year…if the college decides to implement, the degree the college choses to pursue this pathway will be addressed in subsequent terms. Today I am only going to address the plan for the term…

2 Process Plan 2016-2017 Administration/faculty/staff “buy-in” - GOAL
Gain consensus among administration/faculty/staff that the college should move from “exploring” guided pathways to “implementing” by May 2017 Administration/faculty/staff “buy-in” - PLAN Professional development – “Buzz Sessions”, Forums (fall and Spring), January Flex week/Institute day activities, etc… Department meetings, Chairs and Coordinators, and Learning Council presentations GP coordinator meeting individually with interested faculty/administration/staff Number one goal for this year is to achieve consensus among faculty, admin, and staff that the college is going to implement GP by the end of this term. “Buzz sessions” are informal question/answer sessions for faculty that are scheduled throughout the remainder of the fall semester, and will continue through the spring, if interest in them continue. Buzz session dates and times: 11/17 1:30-3:30 pm; 11/21, 11/29 and 12/ pm Forums will continue to address different aspects of GP – e.g. career assessment tools for incoming students uncertain of a major… Do you have any ideas for other activities than listed here for disseminating information, answering questions, and providing all what they need to decide if this will be good for our students and Butte College? FYI: “Redesigning America’s Community Colleges: book – (4) copies on reserve at the library for anyone who has yet to read it…presents a very compelling argument for the implementation of GP

3 Feedback Exercise In pairs or small groups, discuss the following:
Do you have reservations/concerns about implementing Guided Pathways at Butte College? If so, what are they? What could help to alleviate these concerns? Use the Post-It/notecard provided to write down your ideas/suggestions Allow approximately minutes for this exercise, if time allows.

4 Process Plan 2016-2017 Program mapping – GOAL Program mapping - PLAN
100% AST/AAT and 50% of remaining programs mapped by May 2017 Program mapping - PLAN Schedulers and counseling representatives map the AST/AAT degrees Faculty provide input Goal 2 – map programs in a manner that impacts faculty time minimally, by using selected counselors (Rachel and Steve) and the scheduling center to start the mapping process. Faculty input will then be sought to complete the map.

5 Process Plan 2016-2017 Web page – GOAL Web page – PLAN
GP web page look/feel will be defined by May 2017 Web page – PLAN Using an outside web design firm, develop multiple design concepts for GP web pages Administration/student/faculty input solicited for final decision Goal 3: GP web pages will all have a similar look/feel to ensure students can easily navigate them.

6 Process Plan 2016-2017 “Meta-Majors” – GOAL “Meta-Majors” – Plan
Define the name and categories by December of 2017 “Meta-Majors” – Plan Survey FYE, HS, and January orientation students (November 2016 – January 2017) Use survey information along with CSUC and faculty input to define name and categories Goal 4: Important to ensure the categories make sense from HS through CSUC, as we are sandwiched between the two.

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