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WOMAN (Work-Oriented Mobile Autonomous Neat-freak)

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Presentation on theme: "WOMAN (Work-Oriented Mobile Autonomous Neat-freak)"— Presentation transcript:

1 WOMAN (Work-Oriented Mobile Autonomous Neat-freak)
University of Florida Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Intelligent Machines Design Laboratory Eric Donnelly 5/30/02

2 Who wants to clean? Problem: The chore of vacuuming is time-consuming and boring. Solution: Have something do it for you! -WOMAN is a small, relatively quiet robot which can vacuum unassisted continuously.

3 Hardware Atmel ATmega163 microcontroller MegaAVR development board
12V, 83 CPM, 35 dB noise DC fan Hacked Futaba Servos Rechargable batteries (NiMH) Sensors?

4 Sensors IR sensors Bump sensors Ultrasonic Transducers Thermal switch

5 Conclusion WOMAN can do the dirty work for you,
leaving time for the more important things in life… TV Sleep HW?

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