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Come and See…. From this term we are following a new Religious Education programme, called Come and See. It includes more exciting work and interesting.

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Presentation on theme: "Come and See…. From this term we are following a new Religious Education programme, called Come and See. It includes more exciting work and interesting."— Presentation transcript:

1 Come and See…

2 From this term we are following a new Religious Education programme, called Come and See. It includes more exciting work and interesting activities to help the children to grow in their knowledge and understanding of God and his people. Each class will be covering different topics, but all based on the same themes.

3 Come and See is an invitation to explore Gods word. It is a promise of life for everyone. The invitation is open to all.

4 In response to the question Where do you live? which was asked by the disciples, Jesus invited them to Whats in a Name? Come and See. (John 1:39) The disciples went with Jesus and spent the rest of that day with him.

5 We can invite others. Those who receive the invitation may also offer it to others. In John 1:43 Philip invites his friend Nathaniel to come and see Jesus.

6 Children are especially welcome: Jesus said to his disciples, Let the children come to me. (Mark 10:14)

7 Whats different from the previous programme of work? Attainment levels highlighted Attention to special needs Web based resources: A book for each year group One year cycle Explicit learning focuses Cross referenced to the new Religious Education Curriculum Directory (R.E.C.D.) Summary of Church Teaching More extensive Scripture coverage Option of a Foundation approach for years 1 and 2 Greater differentiation Recent liturgical revisions

8 Whats remains the same? The process of teaching Teachers theological reflection of each theme Theological underpinning of the documents of Vatican II and Catechism of Catholic Church The study of : Church: community of faith Sacraments: celebration in ritual Christian living: way of life


10 The Catechism of the Catholic Church addresses: the human search for meaning the human search for meaning Gods initiative in Revelation who comes to meet us Gods initiative in Revelation who comes to meet us our response of faith. our response of faith. (cf. CCC26) This pattern guides the structure of the programme and informs the process of each topic, opened up through Explore Explore Reveal Reveal Respond Respond Come and See- Four week structure

11 SEARCH ~ EXPLORE (1 week ) introduces the topic the childrens life experience is explored the questions raised are wondered at, shared, investigated and their significance reflected upon focus on AT2 Reflection on meaning REVELATION ~ REVEAL (2 weeks) heart of the programme knowledge and understanding of the Catholic faith revealed through Scripture, Tradition, doctrine, prayers, rites and Christian living focus on AT1 Knowledge and Understanding & AT2 Reflection on Meaning RESPONSE ~ RESPOND (1 week) learning is remembered, celebrated and responded to in daily life

12 Come and See Layout FOUNDATION STAGE Throughout the programme for Nursery and Reception the process will be divided as follows: Whole class Input (Teacher led) Adult directed group activities (Teacher or assistants work with groups of children) Continuous provision (child centred learning across the areas of learning in the foundation stage). This approach is also optional for Key Stage 1.

13 KEY STAGES 1 and 2 The structure within Reveal at Key Stage 1 and 2 comprises of the following sections for each lesson: Learning focus: the overall focus of the lesson Content: some suggestions for input to develop the focus Some key questions: suggested questions to encourage the children to wonder and reflect on what they have heard or seen; other questions may also arise Some suggested activities: teachers choose from the list of suggested activities according to the needs of their children

14 Prayer Prayer and celebration are integral to Come and See Opportunities for reflection are present within Explore, Reveal and Respond Celebration planner is available for use by children and staff Traditional prayers are introduced in the different Key Stages Prayer styles: children are introduced to a range throughout the scheme

15 Other Faith: Judaism Judaism Other Religions: Islam Islam Hinduism Hinduism Sikhism Sikhism Just like in the previous programme of work, the children will also study Judaism (1 week) and one other World Religion (1 week).

16 Come and See… Jesus, thank you for your invitation to be with you, to love one another and to be your friends. Help us to follow you always. Help us to come and see. We ask this in Jesusname. Amen Insert picture Gods Story 1 page 38-39, children


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