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Healthy Communities 2018 Mid-Year Report September 2018

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Presentation on theme: "Healthy Communities 2018 Mid-Year Report September 2018"— Presentation transcript:

1 Healthy Communities 2018 Mid-Year Report September 2018

2 Agenda Key details and dates Dropbox for reporting
Event calendar templates Qualtrics for reporting

3 Picture of Success – Inclusive Health for all
The Special Olympics Health Strategy aims to create access to improved health for 11 million people with ID, and what you are doing in your Healthy Communities with training providers, developing partnerships with gyms and for wellness, and working with governments/ministries will be the key to unlocking access for these 11 million people with ID. Your reports are crucial for allowing us to understand more about what you are doing so that we can be sure to count all your incredible work towards this goal.

4 HC Criteria Please type in questions in the chat box as you have them.

5 Key details and dates Link to Qualtrics report:
XxZ5OXWdWeWmq1 Your log-in is your Program name Example: Arkansas, Senegal, New Zealand You will not see any pre-populated information Report on activities from April 1, 2018 – September 30, 2018 Must be completed by October 15th, 2018 For those of you who are in the 2nd or 3rd year of your Healthy Communities grant, you will remember that your End of Year report was pre-populated with the information you had entered at mid-year. We have started a new reporting cycle, so you will not see any information from last year’s report in this report. However, we realize that many of you are continuing activities from last year, so to support you in filling out your report, we have put your end of year reports in the folder on dropbox. I’ll cover that in just a little bit! As a reminder, your report is due on Oct 15 and should cover all of your activities from April 1, 2018 – September 30, We know that some of you received your money late, so even if you don’t have a lot of information to report, we still need to you to update us on how things are going, since we have an obligation to report to our Partners and funders. The qualtrics report link can also be found on our resources webpage.

6 Dropbox RHMs will share Dropbox folder Event Calendar
Previous HC reports (if applicable) Folders to upload all other resources you want to share In order to streamline the process of sharing information, we are using Dropbox folders. Your RHM will share with you a link to this folder, if they haven’t already done so. This dropbox will contain your Program Event calendar, which you must review and update any information that is missing or inaccurate. It will also contain the previous HC reports as we mentioned to help with completing this report, and a folder for you to submit your budget. If you have any other resources you want to share, such as photos, tracking tools, data, there are folders for that as well.

7 Event Calendar In order for us to determine your status for criteria 1, 2, 3, and 4, we need you to tell us about all the events you’ve held in your Program since April 1, 2018. You’ll find your event calendar template in your dropbox, in the event calendar folder, template subfolder. This event calendar contains all of the information that we have on the Healthy Athlete events you have held at your Program. The first column is grant number. We use this to confirm which Healthy Athletes events received SOI funding, which is used to calculate criteria 2 status. Please be sure to include the grant # if you received a Healthy Athletes capacity grant for your event. The second column is your Program name. The third column is the location of the event. The fourth column denotes whether this event was held in your HC geographic focus area. This information is critical to being able to establish your criteria 3 status and this will be blank for every Program. Please be sure to provide a Yes or No in this column for each event. The 5th and 6th columns are the screening start and end dates. The 7th column is denotes whether this was a local event or regional event. For example, if Panama held the SOLA regional games, but the location was in the HC geographic focus area, it’s critical that we know that the event was a regional event rather than a local one. This will also be blank for most of your events, so please be sure to make a selection. The 8th column tells us whether this is the first time you’ve held an event, either because it’s at a new location or because it’s a new discipline for your Program. We use this information to tell our partners about how HC grantees are expanding and growing Healthy Athletes, which is reaching new people each year.

8 Event calendar The next column is the discipline of Healthy Athletes that you held. If you held an event with multiple disciplines, they will each be listed in a separate row. The next column is $ and VIK total from your partners or your Program that was used to support this event. You should not include volunteer time in this total. If your Program used Law Enforcement Torch Run funds to support your HA event or a partner donated space for the Healthy Athlete event, you would include that here. The next column is the budget that was approved for this event from SOI. Together, the column for $ and VIK PLUS the column for approved budget for SOI should total the cost of holding this event. As you can see in this example, the health promotion event and Fit Feet event were entirely funded by $ and VIK from the SO Program and it’s partners. This information is necessary to accurately measure your criteria 2 status, so please be sure to update this information if it is missing or incorrect. The column for Forms sent to data entry consultant will be blank for all of you. However, this information is important for criteria 1 status, because if your Programs has received any Healthy Athlete capacity grant funding, you are required to input your screening forms into the Healthy Athletes database within 30 days of the event. Programs are able to meet this requirement by entering their forms themselves, or by sending their forms to SOI or regional data entry consultants. Please be sure to enter Yes or No for each Healthy Athlete event. The next column is # of athlete screenings that were completed for each event, and the column after that is the # of Young Athletes that were screened. These two columns are used to establish criteria 3 status. If you leave the column with Young Athlete screenings blank, we will assume this means you had no screenings for YA. The final 2 columns are for clinical and student volunteers. This information is used to share our impact on training providers with our partners, and crucial for calculating our progress towards the 11 million target. If you have any information that is missing, you will see it highlighted red. If you make changes to any missing information, or you make changes to existing information to make it more accurate, such as changing the VIK we have on record, please be sure to highlight these changes yellow, to facilitate us being able to identify what information is new.

9 Self-review of criteria 2 and 3 status
To help you with your self-review for criteria 2 and 3, we have two additional tabs in your Event Calendar. The first is a pivot table, that summarizes the VIK and athlete screenings by Healthy Athlete discipline. This is one way that we at SOI like to summarize data from Healthy Athletes, and we often share results like this with partners and funders. You can use this table to showcase your impact in Healthy Athletes and share with your Program’s stakeholders. In order to accurately review your criteria 2 and 3 status, you’ll want to right click on the pivot table and select refresh. This will update the pivot table with the information you added to your event calendar. The other tab can be used to calculate your criteria 2 and 3 status, and help you to answer the question in qualtrics about your status. So in this example, the Program is meeting criteria 2 because the sum of grant $ from SOI for all Healthy Athlete events was less than the amount the Program provided.

10 Qualtrics – Program info
I’m going to focus the rest of this presentation on the qualtrics report. However, since many of you have already used qualtrics to report in the past, I’m going to focus on the things that are just a little different this time around. We have taken the feedback about the complexity of the report very seriously, and these changes are designed to make reporting to us easier, but please share your feedback about the changes! New this year is a question in the Program info section at the beginning of your report about the number of athletes registered in your entire Program. In this example, SO Wakanda has 2000 athletes registered Program-wide, and is focusing their Healthy Communities efforts on the 500 athletes in the capital. If your Program’s geographic focus area is Program-wide, these two numbers will be the same. We added this question because some of Programs have been establishing partnerships that are creating access to improved health for people with ID not only in their geographic focus area, but beyond and we want to be able to understand the number of athletes that a Program may be potentially able to reach with some of their activities.

11 Qualtrics – Executive summary
Related to that, we have also added 2 questions to the executive summary section, asking you to estimate the % of athletes with access to improved care as a result of all your Program’s activities. We are asking your to provide your best guess of the % of athletes in your geographic focus area and the % of athletes in your entire Program with access to improved health. In this example, the Program is reaching 375 athletes through follow-up care and wellness, which represents 75% of the athletes in their focus area. They are reaching an additional 155 athletes through health leadership and follow-up care, which means they have generated access to improved care for 530 athletes, or 26.5% of the athletes registered in their Program.

12 Qualtrics - partners The partners section of the report is formatted differently than the 2017 End of Year reports, but asks all of the same information as before. Of note, please be sure that if you indicate a partner has contributed cash or VIK, you also list their contribution in your budget submission.

13 Qualtrics – health advocates
Health advocates questions focus on: What trainings took place? Results of that training in terms of how individuals are activating around their role as health advocates Questions broken down by: Family members Coaches, Athlete leaders We recognized from previous reports that Programs were reporting on athletes, coaches, and family members who were active as advocates but had been trained prior to this grant period. We want to be able to understand the impact of training advocates and what this is leading to, so please be sure to tell us about how those who are trained as advocates during this grant period are becoming active in their role as advocates. We also added a question about how many athletes were acting as health advocates prior to your Healthy Communities grant, so we are better able to quantify how this grant has helped increase athlete leadership and advocacy.

14 Qualtrics – healthcare providers
You’ll see an additional question in the healthcare providers section that is new this year, which is the question asking about the total # of healthcare professionals trained who work for the government or ministry health system. This question is directly related to how we are measuring our progress towards that 11 million target and how we are directly and indirectly influencing health systems with our work. You may not know this number, which is okay, but if you know that you trained specific government individuals or gave a presentation to government officials, you should include that here.

15 Qualtrics – criteria 2 and 3
This is the question in qualtrics where you will select whether you have reviewed the event calendar and made any changes to the dropbox file. As a reminder, the event calendar is the information we use to determine your criteria 2 and 3 status, so please be sure to provide the most accurate information you have!

16 Criteria 4 In order to help us measure the 11 million target, we’ve added a question in the section on follow-up care that asks you to select which option best matches the work of your Program in follow-up care. After you select an option, you will then be asked a question or 2 about how the follow-up care situation has arisen – you’ll be able to select all that apply here, so you can tell us about the situation in your nation, your partnership, etc.

17 Criteria 5 For criteria 5, we realized that many of you are implementing Fitness programming through a grant from SOI, and already completing a report for that. In order to prevent you having to enter the same information twice, we have added 2 questions asking whether you are currently receiving a Fitness grant from SOI and if that grant is for activities in your focus area. If it is, we will use your Fitness report to fill in information about your health and wellness programming. If you are offering any other health and wellness opportunities, or if you are not receiving a fitness grant, please be sure to tell us about the other ongoing health and wellness opportunities your Program holds.

18 Qualtrics – PDF copy of reports
If you would like to save a copy of your qualtrics report, you’ll be able to download a PDF at the very end after you’ve submitted your data, by clicking the Download PDF hyperlink. If you don’t click this but would like a copy of your report, just send us an and we can share a PDF version with you.

19 Questions? If you have any questions about or issues with your qualtrics report, please OR Thank you! We really appreciate all the time and energy you all put into reporting, so thank you again for that. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.

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