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Career Research Paper Your Future Vocation?.

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Presentation on theme: "Career Research Paper Your Future Vocation?."— Presentation transcript:

1 Career Research Paper Your Future Vocation?

2 Purpose of Paper Find information about your future career options
Assist you in making decisions for your future Career Exploration

3 Career Research Paper Pick 3 vocations that interest you!
ONLY pick vocations that may interest you Find out essential information for each career choice If you choose to enter the work force immediately, you will research possible areas where you can enter work.

4 Career Research Paper You have options for development, but you will include the following: Introduction Career Choice 1 Career Choice 2 Career Choice 3 Conclusion

5 Introduction Paragraph
Remember to start with a very broad approach and narrow to the thesis statement. Your thesis statement may be something like: My future vocation may be in the field of ___, ___, or _____.

6 Education For each career choice, you will include information on education requirements. What education do you need for the career choice? Education can be on the job training IF you plan to immediately enter the work force. Where can you get the education that you need? How long will it take you to complete the education? What is the expected cost for the education requirement?

7 Expected Salary Research what you can expect to be paid in your career choice. You will consider where you want to live when searching for this information. Please know that these numbers are not absolute. You may find a job in this field that will pay more or pay less.

8 Expected Benefits Benefits are a part of your salary package.
Paid vacation Paid sick days Health insurance Life insurance Vision insurance Dental insurance Annuity

9 Possible Hazards of the Job
Consider areas where you may face difficulties: injury, death, working conditions, mandatory on call time, long hours, opportunities for advancement, etc. For example, plumbers work with dangerous chemicals at times. Doctors or nurses are exposed to a variety of sicknesses/diseases. Teachers may deal with abusive students.

10 Reflection on the Job Express your views as you evaluate your overall opinion concerning the possible vocation. Consider whether or not you may want to work at this job for the next 40 years.

11 Conclusion Paragraph As you begin your conclusion, consider your thesis statement again. Evaluate and analyze all career choices that you wrote about, and draw a conclusion as to what you consider to be a best job choice for you.

12 Options for Assignment
Write a complete paper Develop a power point or Prezzi Other use of technology as approved by the teacher.


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