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8.1 What Is an Earthquake?  Earthquake - vibration of Earth produced by rapid release of energy - Caused by motion of tectonic (lithospheric) plates.

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Presentation on theme: "8.1 What Is an Earthquake?  Earthquake - vibration of Earth produced by rapid release of energy - Caused by motion of tectonic (lithospheric) plates."— Presentation transcript:

1 8.1 What Is an Earthquake?  Earthquake - vibration of Earth produced by rapid release of energy - Caused by motion of tectonic (lithospheric) plates.  Focus - point within Earth where quake starts.  Epicenter - location on surface directly above the focus.  Faults - fractures in Earth where movement has occurred.

2 Focus, Epicenter, and Fault

3 8.1 What Is an Earthquake? Causes of Earthquakes
 Elastic Rebound Hypothesis • When plates move, rocks along edge experience immense pressure • When the strength of the rock is exceeded, it suddenly breaks, causing the vibrations of an earthquake.

4 Elastic Rebound Hypothesis
Animation Japan 2011

5 8.1 What Is an Earthquake?  Aftershock - small quake that follows
main quake.  Foreshock - small quake that often precedes a major earthquake.

6 Types of Boundaries  Divergent Plate Boundary - plates move apart (A)
 Convergent Plate Boundary - oceanic plates dive beneath continental or oceanic plates (subduction) (B)  Transform Fault Boundary – plates move horizontally past one another (C)

7 Slippage Along a Fault

8 A transform fault boundary occurs where two plates
move toward each other. move away from each other. move past each other. move over each other. Example: San Andreas Fault

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