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Pre Exam Revision Plan Go over basics of exam The Industry

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1 Pre Exam Revision Plan Go over basics of exam The Industry
Go over basics of exam The Industry Health, Hygiene and Safety Preparation, Cooking and Presentation Nutrition, Menu Planning and Costing Specialist Equipment Communication and Record Keeping Catering and the Environment What not to say

2 EXAM BASICS 1 hr 1 mins hours 80 marks Approx 1 mark per minute
Answer ALL questions (have a go)

3 Exam Technique Read the question at least twice –WHAT is it asking? Look for command words How many marks is it worth? (don’t spend 10 mins on a 4 mark question) Plan your answers – especially the 6 /8/10 mark ones Use paragraphs and a plan for the longer questions Do not leave any BLANKS – have a go! Use common sense, you know more than you think you do! Relate back to the question/table etc Check at the end – have you given enough info/detail/points to get the marks


5 Types of Service – will come up in some form
The way in which we give food to consumers. It could be a hotel, restaurant, buffet, outside catering etc. Think about the service type and tailor you question to this to show your understanding

6 STAFF – this will come up.
It will usually be chefs or waiting staff (but it may ask about a specific type eg head chef, casual etc) READ THE QUESTION – I it is asking about QUALITIES don’t write about DUTIES!

7 ALWAYS COMES UP , usually in at least 2 questions.
Hygiene ALWAYS COMES UP , usually in at least 2 questions. YOU MUST REVISE THIS Following the basic hygiene rules to ensure there is no contamination PERSONAL – rules you follow before working with food ENVIROMENT – clean equipment and work area FOOD – no cross contamination, follow use by dates, storage, cooking and re heating You will be expected to apply your knowledge – the question may ask about a particular catering type )eg buffets, vending etc ) and ask you to apply your knowledge

8 Safety Safety of people making the product – using machines/equipment
Cuts/burns/scalds etc This usually come up in some form on every paper, it may be in the first couple of questions and then later where you are expected to apply your knowledge FIRST AID – usually asks about cuts/burns/ falls and scalds. Revise prevention and treatment Safety will usually ask about using equipment - refer to that piece of equipment to show understanding.

9 FOOD PREPARATION – you will be expected to be able to comment on how to make a given product (usually a pastry, cake or a common commodity). The question will ask you to study a recipe/method and comment on it. Commodities are the food products we use most often in cooking. Remember what you have done in your practical lessons and your practical exams. Look at the recipe and method – try and visualise what you have to do to make it and rtead the question carefully to see what it is asking you. Look for the clues you are being given.

10 Culinary Terms crutons
Usually a multi choice question (but may not be!) You have a whole power point on these to revise from plus your class notes. Mise en place crutons HINT: - maybe make ‘flash cards’ with these terms on one side and the meaning on the other Bain marie Bouquet garni

11 Convenience Foods 1 min………………………. What is a Convenience Food?
a pre-prepared (ready made) component (food used to make up a more complex FOOD PRODUCT) May give examples e.g. grated cheese, pastry case, pizza base, stock cube, readymade buttercream, diced / sliced vegetables, meringue nests, chocolate curls, jar of white sauce etc.

12 What are the advantages/disadvantages of convenience foods?
Saves time Saves energy Consistent product Good if staff do not have the skills needed Good if equipment needed to make product is not available Saves purchase / storing of raw ingredients Less storage needed Less risk of cross contamination during production DISADVANTAGES May not be exactly as wished May be high in fat, sugar Lack of control over manufacture / supply Expensive Problems if the supplier lets you down

13 What is this? What does it show?
Nutrition – always comes up. Often more than once. You need to be able to APPLY your knowledge The question may ask you about a particular consumer eg children or a particular diet type Eg vegetarian, religious diets There will be something about healthy diets so revise: Fat (saturated and unsaturated) Sugar Salt What is this? What does it show? Advantages? Disadvantages? Why do we need to watch the intake of these? How can we do this?

14 Equipment Usually comes up in some form – may be a multi choice or a longer question. Know your knife types in particular. Think about the bigger pieces of catering equipment – they are just the same as the small equipment we use…….. Just bigger so can store/cook/prepare BIGGER quantities.

15 Using Computers List 3 reasons why we use computers Advantages? Disadvantages? IMPORTANT – using computers may be about research, stock control, communication, stock control ……and so on. The reasons why we use them are the same BUT relate to the question.

16 Ethics/Environment/Moral/Religious BIG TOPIC ALWAYS COMES UP IN SOME FORM
Often worth 4 – 10 marks so PLAN YOU ANSWER All about what people believe in – what’s right and wrong freedom farming, free range eggs, organic products, topic issues, free range, Red Tractor

The 6 R’s Reuse Recycle Repair Reduce Refuse Rethink How to cut down on waste- sustainability, biodegrade, recycle Shop local Use seasonal products

18 Moral Reasons Very similar to ethics – what people believe in
Using Fairtrade products (eve if they cost more) Using local shops Seasonal products What people think is ‘right’ and ‘wrong’

19 Religion Kosher and Halal refer to the way the animal has been killed.
Many religions have rules about what people can and can’t eat – these are wrapped up in the history of that religion Eg Jews don’t eat pork and meat must be ‘Kosher’ Muslims don’t eat pork and meat must be ‘Halal’ Hindus don’t eat beef Rastafarians and Buddhists are vegetarian Manufacturers now must provide a range of products that meet these diets Kosher and Halal refer to the way the animal has been killed.

20 These are all inter related – don’t make the same point twice!
Never Underestimate the Following…. they can be related to so many answers! THE MEDIA (internet, magazines, TV) Able to access information 24/7 People want to copy ‘celebrities’ The ‘must have’ society Advertising All supermarkets/restaurants etc have their own websites Review sites LIFESTYLE Busy Lifestyles – not got time Families eat together less Lack of skills Lack of equipment Cost expensive/inexpensive Travelling abroad more Wide range of products available DIET/HEALTHY EATING People more aware of health issues People want to be healthier Able to access information about diets much easier Government campaign about obesity/overweight health risks People choosing diets for moral reasons eg vegetarians People choosing diets for religious reasons People choosing diets due to health problems eg allergies, heart disease, diabetes etc These are all inter related – don’t make the same point twice!

21 PLAN THESE ANSWERS if they are worth more than 3 marks Although I have addressed them separately they often get wrapped together Eg a person may be vegetarian for religious or moral reasons OR Someone may eat local products for environmental (less petrol used so less Co2 emissions) or ethical reasons (supporting the local economy)

22 What NOT to say……………………
Meat/cook/texture etc Use the exact terms eg BAKE/FRY/GRILL/ CHICKEN/LAMB/BEEF SMOOTH/CRUNCHY/SOFT TEXTURE Germs Say BACTERIA Wash Say CLEAN No slang eg kids, veg, carbs Not fresh/gone off Say STALE UNSAFE SHORT SHELF LIFE SPOILS healthy say LOW FAT LOW SUGAR LOW SALT HIGH FIBRE

23 Do Not Abbreviate or Use Slang
Kids = children Carbs = carbohydrates Veg = vegetables

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