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2 1ST DECLENSION (in –a)

3 SINGULAR Nominative Accusative Genitive Dative Ablative a subject
am object Genitive ae of _____ Dative ae to/for ______ Ablative ā by/with/from _________

4 PLURAL Nominative Accusative Genitive Dative Ablative ae subject
ās object Genitive ārum of _____ Dative īs to/for ______ Ablative īs by/with/from _________

5 VOCABULARY ancilla, -ae f maid aqua, -ae f water fēmina, -ae woman
hasta, -ae f spear īnsula, -ae f island īra, -ae f anger nauta, -ae m sailor patria, -ae f fatherland pecūnia, -ae f money poēta, -ae f poet puella, -ae f girl sagitta, -ae f arrow terra, -ae f land, earth turba, -ae f crowd via, -ae f road, street

6 2ND DECLENSION (in –us, -er)
If the nominative singular ends in –er, all the other endings are added after this instead of replacing it. The `e’ is retained in words like puer (puerum, puerī etc.) but dropped in those like ager (agrum, agrī etc.)

7 SINGULAR (MASCULINE) Nominative Accusative Genitive Dative Ablative
us, -er, -ir subject Vocative: -us > -e, -ius > ī address Accusative um object Genitive ī of _____ Dative ō to/for ______ Ablative ō by/with/from _________

8 PLURAL Nominative Accusative Genitive Dative Ablative ī subject
ōs object Genitive ōrum of _____ Dative īs to/for ______ Ablative īs by/with/from _________

9 VOCABULARY ager, agrī m field amīcus, -ī m friend cibus, -ī m food
crocodīlus, -ī m crocodile discipulus, -ī m student dominus, -ī m master equus, -ī m horse fīlius, -ī m son gladius, -ī m sword lupus, -ī m wolf medicus, -ī m doctor porcus, -ī m pig puer, puerī m boy servus, -ī m slave

10 SINGULAR (NEUTER) Nominative Accusative Genitive Dative Ablative
um subject Accusative um object Genitive ī of _____ Dative ō to/for ______ Ablative ō by/with/from _________

11 PLURAL (NEUTER) Nominative Accusative Genitive Dative Ablative
a subject Accusative a object Genitive ōrum of _____ Dative īs to/for ______ Ablative īs by/with/from _________

12 VOCABULARY templum, -ī n temple ātrium, -ī n atrium oppidum, -ī n town
tablīnum, -ī n study computātrum, -ī n computer

13 3RD DECLENSION There are a large number of possible endings for the nominative/vocative singular. Notice that in some nouns the nominative singular is identical with the genitive singular (e.g. cīvis, cīvis m.f., iuvenis, iuvenis m.f.) 13

14 SINGULAR (MASC./FEM.) Nominative Accusative Genitive Dative Ablative
VARIOUS subject Accusative em object Genitive is of _____ Dative ī to/for ______ Ablative e (may be either - ī by/with/from _________ or –e if nom. and gen. sing. are the same, as in cīvis and iuvenis) 14

15 PLURAL (MASC/FEM) Nominative Accusative Genitive Dative Ablative
ē s subject Accusative ēs [also –īs if the object Gen. plural is –ium] Genitive (i)um of _____ Dative ibus to/for ______ Ablative ibus by/with/from _________

16 GENITIVE PLURAL Normally –ium is used if the noun is non-increasing (i.e. has the same number of syllables in the nominative singular and the other cases, as with cīvis, cīvis m/f) or if the stem in the genitive singular is a single syllable ending in two consonants (e.g. urbs, urbis f, city. However, there are a few non-increasing nouns which have just –um, including words for family members (pater, māter, frāter) and iuvenis.

cīvis,cīvis m./f. citizen iuvenis, iuvenis m./f. young person mīles, mīlitis m. soldier mōns, montis m. mountain mors, mortis f. death mulier, mulieris f. woman nāvis, nāvis f. ship senex, senis m. old man soror, sorōris f. sister urbs, urbis f. city uxor, uxōris f. wife virtūs, virtūtis f. virtue

18 SINGULAR (NEUT) Nominative Accusative Genitive Dative Ablative
VARIOUS subject Accusative VARIOUS object Genitive is of _____ Dative ī to/for ______ Ablative e /-ī by/with/from _________ If the nominative singular ends in –e, -al or –ar (e.g. mare, maris n, sea), the ablative singular ends in – ī. Other 3rd declension neuter nouns take only -e

19 PLURAL (NEUT) Nominative Accusative Genitive Dative Ablative
(i)a subject Accusative (i)a object Genitive (i)um of _____ Dative ibus to/for ______ Ablative ibus by/with/from _________ If the nominative singular ends in –e, -al or –ar (e.g. mare, maris n, sea, animal, animālis n, animal), the nom/acc plural ends in - ia and the gen. plural in –ium.

20 NEUTER NOUNS iter, itineris journey nōmen, nōminis name
vulnus, vulneris wound mare, maris sea animal, animālis animal

21 mortibus

22 to/for deaths by/with/from deaths

23 fēminae

24 of woman to/for woman women (subj)

25 maria

26 seas (subj) seas (obj) 26

27 servō

28 to/for slave by/with/from slave

29 iuvenem

30 young man (obj)

31 îrâ

32 by/with/from anger

33 nāvem

34 ship (obj)

35 pecûniârum

36 of monies

37 animālī

38 to/for animal by/with/from animal

39 computātrō

40 to/for computer by/with/from computer

41 nōminibus

42 to/for names by/with/from names

43 ancillîs

44 to/for maids by/with/from maids

45 cīvī

46 to/for citizen by/with/from citizen

47 oppidîs

48 to/for towns by/with/from towns

49 cīvis

50 citizen (subj) of citizen

51 marī

52 to/for sea by/with/from sea

53 poēta

54 poet (subj)

55 aquîs

56 to/for waters by/with/from waters

57 medicōrum

58 of doctors

59 nautae

60 sailors (subj) of sailor to/for sailor

61 îram

62 anger (obj)

63 cīvī

64 to/for citizen by/with/from citizen

65 marium

66 of seas

67 urbīs

68 cities(obj)

69 hasta

70 spear (subj)

71 urbīs

72 cities (obj)

73 gladiōs

74 swords (obj)

75 nōminum

76 of names

77 hastârum

78 of spears

79 uxōrem

80 wife (obj)

81 porcō

82 to/for pig by/with/from pig

83 însulâs

84 islands (obj)

85 sorōrum

86 of sisters

87 agrum

88 field (obj)

89 pecûniam

90 money (obj)

91 sagittâs

92 arrows (obj)

93 maris

94 of sea

95 magistrī

96 teachers (subj) of teacher

97 fēminam

98 woman (obj)

99 nautâs

100 sailors (obj)

101 însulîs

102 to/for islands by/with/from islands

103 nāvis

104 ship (subj) of ship

105 servus

106 slave (subj)

107 sagitta

108 arrow (subj)

109 montīs

110 mountains (obj)

111 puerō

112 for/by boy by/with/from boy

113 iuvenibus

114 for/by young men by/with/from young men

115 puellâ

116 by/with/from girl

117 poētâs

118 poets (obj)

119 animâlia

120 animals (subj) animals (obj)

121 aquâs

122 waters (obj)

123 equī

124 horses (subj) of horse

125 patriam

126 fatherland (obj)

127 puellârum

128 of girls

129 tablīnō

130 to/for study by/with/from study

131 nāvium

132 of ships

133 fēminîs

134 to/for women by/with women

135 patris

136 of father

137 hastam

138 spear (obj)

139 mīlitēs

140 soldiers (subj or obj)

141 magister

142 teacher (subj)

143 senum

144 of old men

145 hastae

146 spears (subj) of spear to/for spear

147 puellam

148 girl (obj)

149 nāvibus

150 to/for ships by/with ships

151 patria

152 fatherland (subj)

153 muliere

154 by/with/from woman

155 îra

156 anger (subj)

157 sorōrem

158 sister (obj)

159 aquam

160 water (obj)

161 maribus

162 to/for seas by/with/from seas

163 vulnus

164 wound (subj or obj)

165 poētâ

166 by/with/from poet

167 iter

168 journey (subj or obj)

169 puellâs

170 girls (obj)

171 terrae

172 lands (subj) of land to/for land

173 coniugibus

174 to/for spouses by/with/from spouses

175 turbae

176 crowds (subj) of crowd to/for crowd

177 fīliī

178 of son sons (subj)

179 domine

180 master (voc)

181 ducem

182 leader (obj)

183 viam

184 street (obj)

185 gladiōrum

186 of swords

187 tempestāte

188 by/with/from storm

189 fēminârum

190 of women

191 lupe

192 wolf (voc)

193 mare

194 sea (subj) sea (obj)

195 uxōrēs

196 wives (subj or obj)

197 puellae

198 girls (subj) of girl to/for girl

199 pecûniae

200 monies (subj) of money to/for money

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