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OCEAN/ESS 410 Marine Geology and Geophysics

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1 OCEAN/ESS 410 Marine Geology and Geophysics

2 Office: 126 Marine Sciences Building
Instructor: William Wilcock Office: 126 Marine Sciences Building Teaching Assistants: Katie Boldt Office: 108 Marine Sciences Building Alden Denny Office: 270 Ocean Teaching Building Please include Ocean 410 or ESS 410 in the subject line of s

3 Class Meeting Times and Locations: Lectures Labs
M/W 9:30-10:20 Ocean Sciences Building 425 Labs Section AA: TTh 9:30-11:20 Ocean Sciences Building 111 (GIS Lab) Section AB: MW 12:30-2:20 Ocean Sciences Building 111 (GIS Lab) Office hours: Instructor - after lectures, during/after labs or by appointment. TAs – after/before lectures, during/after labs or by appointment. Please include “Ocean 410” or “ESS 410” in the subject line of s

4 This is the source for updated class information so please use it.
Class Web Site This is the source for updated class information so please use it. Class Goes to all the class but you must send the from your UW account.

5 First Year with 2 Sections and 2 TAs
Registration is very uneven - Consider moving to Section AB for a mellower experience. Both TAs will participate in both sections. You can contact either TA or any topic. TAs will grade alternate labs.

6 Syllabus Interpreting maps and cross-sections
Plate tectonics and the structure of the ocean basins Earthquakes Mid-ocean ridges and subduction zones Sediment transport across the continental shelf Deep-sea sedimentation Textbook None but reading will be added to website including 4 papers for in-class discussions

7 Class Format Lectures – 2 per week
PowerPoint files available on line (will require UW Net ID) Labs – 2 per week - you learn best by actively doing things You will be provided with a paper copy of the lab so there is no need to print it out but it will be posted on-line ahead of time and you may want to read it beforehand Due for full credit no later than the start of the following lab Bring a ruler, calculator, pencil, and memory stick to each lab Discussion in class of 4 papers Term paper draft and final - News and Views article only 2-3 double-spaced pages long Presentations Mid-term and Final (2nd mid-term)

8 Field Trips Mt. St. Helens - Sat/Sun October 8-9
Olympic Peninsula Beaches - Sat/Sun November (joint with Ocean/ESS 230 field trip) You are required to participate in one. The Mt St. Helens field trip is the field trip for this class and the Olympic Peninsula Beaches is a makeup. You can chose to go on either but there is no makeup for the makeup.

9 Day on Puget Sound on the R/V Thomas G Thompson
Thursday, October 20 Sediment coring, seafloor mapping, bottom profiling, and water column sampling. This is a required part of the class – we can help provide notes or even contact instructors of other classes If you cannot make it please inform the instructor or TA at the start of the quarter. Counts at 2 labs

10 Grading 20% - Mid-term exam 20% - Final exam
30% - Lab exercises and paper discussions* 5% - Draft version of ‘News & Views’ article** 10% - Final version of ‘News & Views’ article** 10% - In-class presentation 5% - Field Trip Participation (Mt. St. Helen's or Washington Coast) *Your 2 worst lab/discussion scores will be excluded from final grade. **A passing grade in the writing components of the class is required to pass the class.

11 Policies Deadlines Lab exercises will be due at the start of the following lab. Other assignments will be due on date stated on the assignment and on the website Unless you have a valid reason for turning in homework late and notify the Instructor or a TA as soon as practical, assignments turned in up to 1 week late will be graded for only 50% credit. Working collaboratively You are encouraged to work collaboratively on the class exercises but, unless otherwise approved, everyone should turn in their own set of answers.

12 How to get a bad grade in the class
Don’t come to class. Turn in the labs late or better still don’t turn them in at all. Don’t participate in the field trip Don’t communicate with the instructor & TAs

13 2006 Summary of Grades

14 Ways to get more MG&G OCEAN 230 Rivers and Beaches
OCEAN 450 Climatic Extremes OCEAN 454 Hydrothermal Systems: An Interdisciplinary View OCEAN 460 Seagoing Research and Discovery MG&G Seminar – Mondays 12:30-1:20 in MSB 123

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