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4k Discussion Sony Pictures.

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Presentation on theme: "4k Discussion Sony Pictures."— Presentation transcript:

1 4k Discussion Sony Pictures

2 Sony Pictures Confidential
4k Content Creation 11/21/2018 Sony Pictures Confidential

3 4k Files Finish in 4k 4k Digital Cinema Downscale to 2k Finish in 2k
Sony F65 – shoot in 4k Downscale to 2k Finish in 2k Master in HD Blu-ray “Mastered in 4k” Scan in 4k 2k Digital Cinema Shoot on film Film Scanner Scan in 2k Master in HD Blu-ray Film in Archive 2k Files Finish in 2k 2k Digital Cinema Sony F35 – shoot in HD

4 Digital Camera Resolution
11/21/2018 Sony Pictures Confidential

5 HD and 2k Cameras

6 4k Cameras

7 Sony Pictures Confidential
4k or not? F55? 11/21/2018 Sony Pictures Confidential

8 Sony Pictures Confidential
Making 4k better than HD 11/21/2018 Sony Pictures Confidential

9 Differentiating 4k from HD
4k has to be differentiated from HD in three ways: Higher resolution Wider color gamut Display more colors Higher dynamic range Better shadows and highlights A consumer sitting further from the screen than the HD viewing distance cannot discern more detail in 4k than in HD Diagonal Inches HD Viewing Distance Feet 4k Viewing Distance Feet 85 10.4 5.2 65 8.0 4.0 11/21/2018 Sony Pictures Confidential

10 Sony Pictures Confidential
vxYCC color for 4k and HD 11/21/2018 Sony Pictures Confidential

11 Sony Pictures Confidential
xvYCC Color Background: xvYCC is a color space that supports a gamut larger than the color space of HDTV which is called Rec 709 xvYCC was proposed by Sony and published in January 2006 as an IEC standard xvYCC makes use of code values that are not defined in Rec 709 The Bravia XBR8 supported xvYCC but the feature was apparently removed later models Blu-ray discs mastered in xvYCC will be watched by many consumers on TVs that do not support xvYCC Blu-ray players will not convert from xvYCC to Rec 709 Care has to be taken when mastering xvYCC content to ensure it looks good when displayed on a Rec 709 TV The way that a Rec 709 TV displays xvYCC code values undefined in Rec 709 is not also not defined 11/21/2018 Sony Pictures Confidential

12 Sony Pictures Confidential
Mastering xvYCC QC on xvYCC display BD Master P3 Transform & Color Correction xvYCC Master QC on Rec 709 display Notes: P3 is the color space for digital cinema and all theatrical content is mastered in P3 Rec 709 is the standard color space for HDTV The xvYCC color space is larger than Rec 709 but smaller than P3 Transform Rec 709 Master QC on Rec 709 display iTunes Master 11/21/2018 Sony Pictures Confidential

13 Content protection for 4k
11/21/2018 Sony Pictures Confidential

14 Sony Pictures Confidential
Work in progress 11/21/2018 Sony Pictures Confidential

15 Sony Pictures Confidential
DRAFT Content Delivery for 4k 11/21/2018 Sony Pictures Confidential

16 DRAFT Use Cases Electronic Sell Through (EST)
Consumer purchases title through Online Account Consumer downloads content to any device registered to Online Account Device transparently obtains playback license Consumer plays content Physical media with on-line activation Consumer purchases title on physical media Registered device responds to media insertion and adds to consumer’s Online Account Directly from physical media From copy on registered device DRAFT

17 DRAFT Use Cases Physical media without on-line activation Streaming
Consumer purchases title on physical media Consumer plays content directly from physical media Consumer cannot copy content, must have physical media Requires different content protection scheme Streaming Consumer purchases title (ownership or rental) through Online Account Device connects to streaming provider using Online Account Device transparently obtains playback license Consumer streams content to any authorized device DRAFT

18 Physical Media Offering
Many consumers want to buy physical media with an electronic copy Studios bundle a Blu-ray disc with a digital offering (e.g. UV, bonus digital copy, AACS managed copy, etc.) Studios are selling 2 copies for the price of one Consumers keep the disc and use the digital offer  Consumers keep the disc and sell the digital offer  Consumer use the digital offer and sell the disc  DRAFT

19 DRAFT Content Delivery
Use the same file format for download and physical media Standardized file format such as the Common File Format (CFF) Physical media and download are just two different ways to get the 4k file to the consumer Streaming with industry standard MPEG-DASH Uses a file format that is similar to CFF SPE is researching 4k delivery using H.264 (AVC) as an interim codec Initial results are encouraging Other companies are doing similar research H.265 (HEVC) is the long term solution but completion of standard, resolution of IPR claims and implementation may make immediate adoption difficult However, without an upgrade path to H.265 early adopters of 4k products will be unable to get new 4k content DRAFT

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