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Lu Hu Global budget of tropospheric ozone: long-term trend and recent model advances Lu Hu With Loretta Mickley,

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Presentation on theme: "Lu Hu Global budget of tropospheric ozone: long-term trend and recent model advances Lu Hu With Loretta Mickley,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Lu Hu
Global budget of tropospheric ozone: long-term trend and recent model advances Lu Hu With Loretta Mickley, Daniel Jacob, Xiong Liu, Patrick Kim, Yi Zhang, Lin Zhang, Bob Yantosca, Melissa Sulprizio Acknowledgement: WOUDC, NOAA-GMD, MOZAIC-IAGOS, NASA GMAO, ACMAP, and Aura Science Team

2 GEOS-Chem updates in past decade have led to more active tropospheric ozone chemistry
Global tropospheric ozone budget in GEOS-Chem benchmark outputs Model release date Changes mainly reflect model advances, not the actual atmosphere Hu et al. Atmos. Environ., in review

3 GEOS-Chem updates in past decade have led to more active tropospheric ozone chemistry
Global tropospheric ozone budget in GEOS-Chem benchmark outputs Same met and emis year 10 years later Model release date Changes mainly reflect model advances, not the actual atmosphere Hu et al. Atmos. Environ., in review

4 GEOS-Chem v10-01 provides the best simulation of global tropospheric ozone over the history of the GEOS-Chem model versions Mean 500 hPa ozone in JJA 2013 OMI satellite data, X. Liu, SAO Model Hu et al. Atmos. Environ., in review

5 GEOS-Chem v10-01 provides the best simulation of global tropospheric ozone over the history of the GEOS-Chem model versions Mean 500 hPa ozone in JJA 2013 OMI satellite data, X. Liu, SAO Model But, GEOS-Chem shows a negative bias relative to ozonesondes at high northern latitudes, also a large sensitivity to meteorological fields Ozonesonde GEOS-5 (0.25° aka GEOS-FP) GEOS-5 (0.5°) GEOS-4 (1°) Pressure (hPa) Ozone (ppbv) Hu et al. Atmos. Environ., in review

6 Tropospheric ozone budget in current models
Burden (Tg) Chemical production (Tg/y) Stratosphere-troposphere exchange (Tg/y) Pre 2000 Post 2010 Hu et al. Atmos. Environ., in review

7 Tropospheric ozone budget in current models
GEOS-Chem Burden (Tg) Chemical production (Tg/y) Stratosphere-troposphere exchange (Tg/y) Pre 2000 Post 2010 Hu et al. Atmos. Environ., in review

8 Tropospheric ozone budget in current models
GEOS-Chem Burden (Tg) Chemical production (Tg/y) Stratosphere-troposphere exchange (Tg/y) Pre 2000 Post 2010 Hu et al. Atmos. Environ., in review

9 Models can reproduce present-day levels, but not multi-decadal trends
Increasingly active tropospheric chemistry in models would affect the computed sensitivity to perturbations GEOS-Chem simulation with MERRA+MACCity Climate models Model O3 (ppbv) Observations Observations Parrish et al., 2014 Hu et al. in prep Models can reproduce present-day levels, but not multi-decadal trends

10 A widespread model ozone overprediction in 1980s
O3 (ppbv) WE also have looked at the ozonesonde data in 1980s, and it generally shows the same thing. Lack of information on emission over time Hu et al. in prep

11 Model estimates of natural background ozone is way too high, not only in 1920s, but also 1980s …
Observations If no anthropogenic emissions in the model Hu et al. in prep


13 Nature sources Climate models Model O3 (ppbv) Observations
GEOS-Chem simulation with MERRA+MACCity Climate models Model O3 (ppbv) Observations Observations If no anthropogenic emissions in the model Parrish et al., 2014 Need to reduce global NOx emission in 1980s by half? Hu et al. in prep

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