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Tech Data: Your Source For Sony Products

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1 Tech Data: Your Source For Sony Products
Guide to using Tech Data Sony ExpressNetTM for Trailing Credits & Price Protection claims Updated November 2011

2 Select Promotions Calendar to view the latest Promo calendar.
Select Current Promotions to view a sortable Excel list of current promotions. Select Promotions Calendar to view the latest Promo calendar.

3 please select Transactions and then select Request Trailing Credit
To file a claim, please select Transactions and then select Request Trailing Credit

4 Please review guidelines on all pages
Click on ‘Current Promotions’ for detailed list of current promotions with dates and models or select your program and promotion from the drop down box.

5 Please use the comments box to add any additional information you feel that would be helpful to us to process this claim. However, for questions or to resolve any issues, please us at Please select ‘Terms” if your invoices are billed to your Tech Data account. Please select “Flooring” if your invoices are billed to your flooring account. If you have a flooring account, but wish to have your trailing credits credited to your Tech Data terms account, please select “Terms” and add a note it in the comments to that effect. Also please notify us via that you want to do that for all your claims.

6 When complete, please click on Send
Select the model and quantity. Note that many models have very similar numbers, please select carefully. For trailing credits, the credit amount will appear in the box. For price protections, we’ll calculate your credit amount based on your pricing tier, so there won’t be a credit amount field shown here. To claim additional models, put in the number and select ‘Add New Row’ Please be sure to file all items in a bundle as listed in the Sales News. When complete, please click on Send

7 Click on the claim number to review what you have filed
Please make note of your claim number and reference the claim number for any future inquiry Click on the claim number to review what you have filed

8 How to check on the status of your claim
Click on History and then on Credit

9 Use any of the search criteria to find your claim (s)
It’s best to get the status by model number as we may have processed the claims only for select models. Click on the claim number to get details by model number. For claims that were not approved, this link will let you read our comments

10 If you would like to be notified by when a claim has been processed, please select Transactions and then Customer Address Book. Please note: notifications are sent weekly on Sunday nights for all claims credited in the previous week.

11 Please follow the instructions as outlined on ExpressNet
Please note, after you have set up accounts, this ‘envelope message icon’ indicates an active address that will receive the weekly . If this does not appear, please review the instructions above. Please be sure to include your administrative and accounting staff if they handle trailing credits.

12 Sample

13 Tips on filing claims successfully
Purchases must be made before the end of the promotion in order to qualify for a trailing credit. If you sold an item during a promotion and received delivery after the promotion ended, please add a note in the comments section. If you have sold an item during a promotion and are waiting for delivery from Tech Data, please wait until you have been invoiced by Tech Data to file the claim. We cannot process claims based on purchase orders. Claims for bundle promotion must contain all models in a bundle even if the trailing credit amount is zero. Many model numbers are very similar, so please select carefully. Most common error is selecting the wrong color (if applicable), so be aware of the specific color you have purchased and sold. Another common error is incorrect bundle quantities selected. For example, if a TV requires 2 pairs of 3D glasses to make a bundle as per the Sales News, then 5 TV’s require 10 pairs of glasses to qualify. Price protections credits can only be issued for units that are in stock as of the date of the price drop and purchased within the purchase window as prescribed in the Sony Sales news. Retain all your sales receipts as well as inventory reports in case of an audit as all claims are subject to an audit. For all trailing credits and price protection inquiries, please contact Thank you for your business!

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