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Agenda for Technical Meeting – 15 June pm

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Presentation on theme: "Agenda for Technical Meeting – 15 June pm"— Presentation transcript:

1 Agenda for Technical Meeting – 15 June 2018 - 2.00pm
1. Welcome (2.00 – 2.05) VB 2. Helpline survey feedback (2.05 – 2.25) - Archna Tharani - Oculus Accountancy Ltd 3. Incorrect P46/starter declarations submitted to HMRC – Employer error (2.25 – 2.40) SS/RL 4. Website – Members area • Tech info • How to get into the PTA • How to complete an SA return • Helpline Bible • Know your Password! (2.40 – 3.20) IB 5. P800s into SA and Late filing penalties – recent Tribunal decisions • Goldsmith et al • discussion (3.20 – 3.50) IB & handout 6. FTN - Disclosure refresh (3.50 – 4.10) IB & handout 7. Deloitte and year end update(4.10 – 4.30) VB 8. AOB

2 Helpline survey feedback
Archna Tharani - Oculus Accountancy Ltd Welcome to the TaxAid Volunteers away day – thank you for coming and giving up your valuable free time. Today is a chance for us to update you on changes at TaxAid and how this affects your role as a volunteer. This morning, I will talk about these changes and run through how we see the volunteer’s role developing. There will be a chance for discussion and to “ brain storm “.

3 Incorrect P46/starter declarations
submitted to HMRC – Employer error Richard Leszczynski Champneys Tring Ltd v HMRC TC05685 Regulations Scenarios Welcome to the TaxAid Volunteers away day – thank you for coming and giving up your valuable free time. Today is a chance for us to update you on changes at TaxAid and how this affects your role as a volunteer. This morning, I will talk about these changes and run through how we see the volunteer’s role developing. There will be a chance for discussion and to “ brain storm “.

4 Website – Members area Technical info • How to get into the PTA • How to complete an SA return • Helpline Advice Bible • Know your Password! Welcome to the TaxAid Volunteers away day – thank you for coming and giving up your valuable free time. Today is a chance for us to update you on changes at TaxAid and how this affects your role as a volunteer. This morning, I will talk about these changes and run through how we see the volunteer’s role developing. There will be a chance for discussion and to “ brain storm “.

5 P800s into SA and Late filing penalties – recent Tribunal decisions
• Goldsmith (TC06284) - put into self assessment because HMRC couldn’t code out an underpayment. Held that notice to file a tax return was invalid and that HMRC could NOT collect any late filing penalties. Galiara (TC06431) and Lennon (TC06453); similar cases Judge in Lennon referred explicitly to the Goldsmith judgement HMRC DO NOT need SA to collect PAYE underpayments; and They already have assessing powers: TMA s29 assessments and recently-introduced simple assessment procedures.  The implications for our clients – What do we advise? Round table discussion Welcome to the TaxAid Volunteers away day – thank you for coming and giving up your valuable free time. Today is a chance for us to update you on changes at TaxAid and how this affects your role as a volunteer. This morning, I will talk about these changes and run through how we see the volunteer’s role developing. There will be a chance for discussion and to “ brain storm “.

6 Failure to Notify (FTN) - Disclosure refresh
Distinction between being registered for SA not being Voluntary disclosure Outside Remit? Within Remit? Property income Links to disclosure facilities: Welcome to the TaxAid Volunteers away day – thank you for coming and giving up your valuable free time. Today is a chance for us to update you on changes at TaxAid and how this affects your role as a volunteer. This morning, I will talk about these changes and run through how we see the volunteer’s role developing. There will be a chance for discussion and to “ brain storm “.

7 Deloitte & Year end update AOB
Welcome to the TaxAid Volunteers away day – thank you for coming and giving up your valuable free time. Today is a chance for us to update you on changes at TaxAid and how this affects your role as a volunteer. This morning, I will talk about these changes and run through how we see the volunteer’s role developing. There will be a chance for discussion and to “ brain storm “.

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