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EOCT Review Microeconomics.

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1 EOCT Review Microeconomics

2 Microeconomics Refers to the decisions made by individuals and firms in society and the relationship between the two.

3 Microeconomics also refers to:
Demand Supply The Determinants of supply and demand. Price Elasticity of demand. Price Ceilings and price floors. Business Organizations Market Structures Organized Labor Effect of government regulation.

4 Demand What people want.
Law of Demand – We want more at lower than higher prices. Determinants of demand (Change in number of consumers, consumer incomes, consumer price expectations, and prices of related (complimentary of substitute goods)

5 Supply What is available.
Law of Supply – We sell more at higher prices than lower prices. Determinants of Supply – (change in cost of resources, technology, opportunities to profit from other products, number of sellers, and expectations of future prices.

6 Price Elasticity of Demand
The degree to which quantity demanded changes with price. Luxury items are said to have elastic demand. Items of necessity have an inelastic demand.

7 Equilibrium Point Where quantity demanded and quantity supplied are the same. Any price above equilibrium creates a surplus. Any price below creates a shortage.

8 Types of Business Organizations
Sole Proprietorships – Business owned by one person. Partnerships – Business owned by two or more people. Corporations – Business owned by many people.

9 Businesses operate in different competitive markets.
In perfect competition, buyers buy the lowest price. In perfect monopoly – Firms are the only provider of a good and can charge any price. Monopolistic Competition – Many firms with products that are almost the same. Oligopoly – There are few suppliers of the same product in the market.

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