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ChinAfrica Noah, Amy, Miki.

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Presentation on theme: "ChinAfrica Noah, Amy, Miki."— Presentation transcript:

1 ChinAfrica Noah, Amy, Miki

2 Contents ChinAfrica today Why China and Africa?
How has China been contributing to Africa’s development? Dark side of ChinAfrica How the world see this situation?

3 ChinAfrica Today Five Chinese oil workers kidnapped and have been killed in Sudan (BBC NEWS 10/27/2008) At least three Chinese workers have been abducted in Nigeria's oil-rich southern region (BBC NEWS 1/25/2007) Seven Chinese oil workers kidnapped and nine were killed by rebels in Ethiopia (BBC NEWS 4/26/2007)

4 China’s investment for Africa
The most aggressive investor-nation in Africa Mainly for resource development such as oil, mineral For infrastructure such as roads, railways, energy Over 800 Chinese companies operating in 49 countries


6 China’s trade with Africa
The ratio of oil imports from Africa (Right) Percentage of exports of China's exports to Africa Percentage of imports of China's imports to Africa

7 Why China and Africa In 1418, a Chinese eunuch called
* First Meeting In 1418, a Chinese eunuch called ‘Jung-hwa’ visited Africa with 200 ships and 27,000 soldiers to obey emperor’s order.

8 History about ChinAfrica
* Modern times In 1963, contact between China and Africa was restarted with ‘Zhou Enlai’, a Prime Minister of Communist regime of China, he visited Ghana, Mali, Ethiopia, Sudan and so on. Until 1980, China supported $ 2 billion to Africa without interest. And also, they dispatched 150 thousand workers to Africa, in spite of poor economic situation of China at that time.

9 History about ChinAfrica
* Tazara Railroad - Total length : 1,860 kilometers - Involve : 300 bridges, 23 tunnels, 147 stations - Total cost : US $500 million And China started to build a railroad connecting Tanzania with Zambia in For 5 years of building, 25,000 Chinese and 100,000 Africans joined.

10 History about ChinAfrica
* From 1993 to now on In this time, China met the problem of energy, so they started to make an active exchange and cooperation with Africa. According to Chinese press, celebrities like minister visited in Africa 838 times including 162 visits of supreme leaders for 50 years until 2008. Also in 2009, main partisans and leaders of China visited Tanzania, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Kenya, Egypt, Namibia, etc. continuously. During that time, they promised long-term support for development, made their relationship trustful, and presented good image as a powerful nation.

11 History about ChinAfrica
* FOCAC 中非合作論壇 (Forum on China-Africa Cooperation) There have been four summits held to date, with the most recent meeting having occurred from November 8 to 9, 2009 in Sharmel-Sheikh, Egypt. Previous summits were held in October 2000 in Beijing, December 2003 in Addis Ababa, and November 2006 in Beijing. In 2006, China invited 48 supreme leaders of African countries. They made an engagement of loan for special favors and a grant.

12 Energy, Natural Resources, and Package Deals
China’s biggest plays have been in Africa’s oil producers: Sudan, Angola, and Nigeria. Africa accounts for 30 percent of China’s overall oil imports, and this share is set to rise during the next decade. But Chinese officials are quick to point out that, contrary to perceptions in the West, China is not “gobbling up” Africa’s oil resources.

13 Energy, Natural Resources, and Package Deals
In April 2008, the Democratic Republic of the Congo signed a $9 billion loan deal from China’s Exim Bank to help build major road and rail construction projects. In exchange, Chinese companies will receive mining rights to millions of tons copper and cobalt.

14 Energy, Natural Resources, and Package Deals
China has helped African nations build infrastructure projects in record time—bridges, roads, schools, hospitals, dams, legislative buildings, stadiums and airports. In many African nations, including Senegal, Improvements in infrastructure have played important roles in stimulating economic growth.

15 Vehicles for Diplomatic Engagement
The most comprehensive of China’s diplomatic efforts toward Africa is the triennial FOCAC. Launched in October 2000 the forum alternates between Beijing and an African country and encompasses assistance, economic development, trade, investment, and political partnerships.

16 Vehicles for Diplomatic Engagement
At the 2006 Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC), it pledged to more than double China-Africa trade from $40 billion in 2005 to $100 billion by 2010, to increase from 190 to 440 the number of African exports subject to Chinese duty-free treatment, and establish a $5 billion China-Africa development fund to encourage Chinese companies to invest in Africa.

17 Humanitarian and Development Assistance
At the most recent FOCAC, President Hu pledged that China would: Deploy 100 top Chinese agricultural experts to Africa by 2009; Establish 10 agricultural technology centers; Build 30 hospitals; Provide $40 million in grants for anti-malaria drugs, prevention, and model treatment centers;

18 Humanitarian and Development Assistance
Deploy 300 Peace Corps–like volunteers to Africa; Build 100 rural schools in Africa; Train 15,000 African professionals; and Double the number of Chinese government scholarships for African students from 2,000 to 4,000 per year.

19 How does the world see this situation?
New Colonialism Resource acquisition BRICs Our opinion and Yours?

20 Thank you!

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