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Current schemes within the IECEx System that may require assessment

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1 Current schemes within the IECEx System that may require assessment
21/11/2018 Copyright

2 IECEx System
Equipment Scheme Certification of Ex Equipment IECEx Conformity Mark License Scheme Services Scheme Certification of Ex Service Providers, eg Repair and overhaul workshops The IECEx Services While the initial scope of IECEx was the International Certification of Ex Equipment, industry soon realised that the benefits of a single International system covering testing and certification of Ex equipment could equally apply to Ex related Services, e.g. Repair and Overhaul according to IEC and to the assessment and qualification of Persons that operate in or with Ex areas. The concerns from industry arose from the fact that all the dedication to ensuring Ex Equipment is designed and manufactured then certified as complying with an Explosion Protection Technique, according to the relevant IEC standard, all this work and effort could be in vain if the Ex equipment is not installed correctly or even, when subjected to repair and overhaul, such work compromises the original Ex design feature. Use of Repair Workshops holding an IECEx Certificate, provides industry with the confidence that Ex repair will be conducted according to IEC , as these Workshops are under constant surveillance by IECEx Certification Bodies. Today, the vast majority of national or regional regulations incorporate systems for the testing and approval of Ex equipment alone and provide little systems to address Ex related Services or the Qualification of Ex Persons. This prompted industry to expand the IECEx System to now provide the separate Certifications Schemes we see on this slide. In addition, industry identified the need for a dedicated IECEx Conformity Mark and licensing system that currently applies to manufacturers producing Ex products covered by IECEx certificates. The drive behind the IECEx Services Scheme came from the knowledge that the Ex field is one of the few where in many cases the initial capital cost of Ex equipment is so high that repair and overhaul is by far a more economical option to replacement, especially for large and purpose built equipment, e.g. motors. While there are many companies worldwide offering Repair and Overhaul facilities, a centralised system to verify their compliance with IEC did not exist until IECEx launched its new IECEx Certified Services Scheme a couple of years ago. With credible certification systems in place covering new Ex Equipment and Ex related Services, attention was drawn to the number of accidents and incidents occurring in and around Ex related installations. One of the cause that has been clearly identified as a significant contributor to incidents in the oil and gas industry is the varying levels of knowledge and Competence and lack of a structured international system to assess and attribute competence to those working in or associated with Ex areas. The new IECEx Certificate of Personnel Competency Scheme (CoPC) provides for the assessment of a persons knowledge, their experience and current ability to apply the knowledge. An IECEx CoPC Certificate provides clear attestation that the person is competent to apply the Standards as listed on their IECEx Certificate according the attributed Units of Competency. This Scheme is very new with IECEx currently conducting the first round of assessments of Certifiers seeking to become an IECEx Certification Body to issue IECEx CoPC Certificates. The first three Certifiers currently under assessment include Baseefa (GB), INERIS (FR) and SIRA (GB). Additional bodies such as NEMKO (NO) and KEMA (NL) are preparing for their assessments by IECEx. IECEx expects the first IECEX CoPC Certificates to be issued by mid 2010. Certified Persons Scheme Confirmation of Competency to work in Ex field (New Scheme) 21/11/2018 Copyright

3 IECEx - Certification Schemes
Certified Persons Scheme IECEx 05 published in 2009 Confidence that Persons holding an IECEx Certificate are competent to work in Ex areas according to Standards Conformity Mark Licensing System Licensing of the Mark to Manufacturers that hold IECEx Certification IECEx 04 Rules Certified Equipment Program (Scheme) IECEx 02 – Rules of Procedure “On-Line” Certificates Confidence that new Ex equipment meets Ex Standards Certified Services Program (Scheme) IECEx 03 – Rules of Procedure Confidence that Ex Repair Workshops, repair Ex equipment according to IEC 21/11/2018 Copyright

4 IECEx Conformity Mark Available to Manufacturers holding IECEx Equipment Certification, managed by IECEx Marks Committee, Chairman Mr Tim Duffy, USA 21/11/2018 Copyright

5 39 IECEx Certifiers ExCBs IECEx 02 - Certified Equipment Scheme

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