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You can access this form from the UGA Foundation->Policies and Forms->Administrative Forms page under the section of Access / IT Forms or by typing the.

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Presentation on theme: "You can access this form from the UGA Foundation->Policies and Forms->Administrative Forms page under the section of Access / IT Forms or by typing the."— Presentation transcript:

1 You can access this form from the UGA Foundation->Policies and Forms->Administrative Forms page under the section of Access / IT Forms or by typing the URL - into your browser.

2 Provide a meaningful, detailed (but not specific) purpose, such as your schools newsletter, annual solicitation, thank you notes to donors, invitation to an event, etc. Example: ‘We need a spreadsheet of all UGA graduate alumni and all non-graduate alumni and friends who have donated to the Graduate School in the past for whom we have addresses. We be reminding them of the upcoming campaign’

3 The second question under the purpose heading will determine the type of report you would like to receive. Mailing includes anything sort of contact with entities in the list. Indicate if a solicitation is involved and it will then give you space to enter the appeal code(s) to be used.

4 By selecting count for this question, you will receive only a number of people who will qualify for your list. Choose “Reports not intended for contact” for reports in which no contact with any entity appearing in the list will be made.

5 Choose “Honor Roll” if you would like to request your honor roll and answer the questions that appear. Indicate whether you would like fiscal or calendar year and if the format for your output will be the same as the previous year’s honor roll.

6 Indicate if you would like to limit your results by constituent type or group. An answer of “No” will not put a constraint on who will be qualified in the list.

7 If you choose “Yes”, then indicate which group you would like to include. This is your opportunity to select whether or not you would like to include only people, organizations, or both who meet your request criteria. Note: by answering “No” to question three, any entity that meets the rest of your criteria will be included.

8 If you select “More Options”, the pictured options will appear
If you select “More Options”, the pictured options will appear. This will allow you to tell us you would only like, for example, foundations to appear in your list. Please be aware that if you select Graduate, Matriculate, or Donor/Friend that you will still need to answer the Degree and/or Giving sections of the list. (Note: Selecting Graduate, Matriculate, and Donor/Friend only is the same as selecting “People” in “Basic Options”).

9 This is this is where you will tell us what type of address the entity must have to qualify for the list. If you select “Mail”, the entity will only appear in your list if they have an active (known) mailing address. You may choose “Mail” and still see their address in the list (you will indicate this later in the Output section); this is only for the criteria the entities must meet to be included in the list. If you choose “ ” on this page, only those with an active address will appear in your list.

10 If you choose “Mail”, you will be asked if you would like to use their Primary Address. If you choose “No”, it will ask which address you require them to have in order to qualify for the list. If you choose “Other”, you must specify the type of address you want them to have.

11 If you require an address to be in a specific location, click “Yes” for part b., and enter specific countries, states, counties, zip codes, or predefined chapter areas. We cannot pull by city or radius. In section c. indicate whether or not you would like to include those with foreign addresses.

12 If you would like to require those in your list to have attended UGA, click the yes button. You will then be asked if you would like to include matriculates. If so, then you will be asked if you would like to include current students.

13 Part b. is where you can include people who have graduated from UGA
Part b. is where you can include people who have graduated from UGA. If you would like to request your specific alumni, click “Yes” for section b.1. After page one is completed, the form will give you the opportunity to enter specific information (school, major, etc.)

14 If you click “Yes” on questions c. or d
If you click “Yes” on questions c. or d., you will be asked which specific certificates or “other degree requirements” such as specialty codes. Enter them in the appropriate boxes. If you have a specific range of graduation dates you would like to use, click “Yes”, and you be able to enter that information on the following page (after the rest of the questions on the current page have been answered).

15 After selecting to limit your request to a specific major, degree or school, you may use the drop down arrows to select your school, degree, and/or major. If you would like all the degrees and majors from your school, you need only to answer a., or you may choose to narrow you selection by choosing to answer section b and or c. Click the “Add Education Info” button to add the criteria. You may add multiple degrees and majors, just make sure to click “Add Education Info” after you have made your selection. Enter the graduation dates you wish to use in the boxes provided. You only need to use this if you wish to specify a specific time range for graduation dates. After entering, be sure to click the “Add Graduation Date Range” button to add the date range. Multiple date ranges can be used, just be sure to click “Add Graduation Date Range” after each selection.

16 Giving--Criteria It is important to remember that this section is for criteria. If you have a specific account number, date range, etc. you need to select ‘Yes’ for the corresponding category (gifts, pledges, and/or planned gifts).

17 Giving--Criteria Cont.
If your request requires giving over separate (and multiple) years select ‘Yes’ for 6 (b) (II) and the next page will allow you to put several ranges in. If you require a specific account to be included in the criteria make sure to include the NUMBER not just the Account Name (same thing for department).

18 Giving--Criteria Cont.
Enter the gift range you require and make sure to click the Add button. You can add several ranges on this page.

19 This is a criteria selection
This is a criteria selection. If your request does not require a PSA code inclusion or exclusion select ‘No’. Output for PSA codes will come later in the request form. Once all of your criteria on this first page has been selected, click the continue button to go onto more specific pages depending on the above selections.

20 PSA Code--Criteria Select your code, add a date range (if necessary) and make sure to tell us if this is an inclusion or exclusion. You can add several PSA codes on this request. Make sure to put in the note section if these codes are to be used together or separately (i.e. if an entity needs both or just one PSA code to qualify in your list). At anytime you can click the back button to go to the previous screen and make adjustments.

21 Output It is important to make sure that your output requests matches what was selected at the beginning of the form (i.e. Category=Count, Report Type=Count). Text boxes for both criteria and output are provided for anything that you require for your request that was not included in the form above. Remember you can go back at any time and add it to the form. We ask that you do not skip questions just to put in the text box. If that happens we may asked that you resubmit your request with the appropriate questions answered.

22 Output--Gift Detail Report
A Gift Detail Report is a PDF report and you need to have selected giving criteria at the beginning of the form to be able to receive this report. If you’re unsure if you can use this form please do not hesitate to ask.

23 Output—Mail Merge The mail merge request is the most often used report. It is in the Excel format. You can choose what information you want to see in the output. If you select to see giving information but did not have any in the criteria you will have to answer similar questions just to see the information (it will not limit your request). Same thing for PSA codes and degree information. See next slide. Combine households will put spouses on one line instead of separate. Contact information you can select any of the options or you can also add items in the text box (g) (i.e. alpha sort name, faculty/staff department number, etc.).

24 Output—Mail Merge Cont.
Answer the following questions to view giving in the output. Again this isn’t a criteria and won’t effect the inclusion (or exclusion) of the entities in your list. If you need more specific information (a)(iv) gives you an option for a text box. You will get a similar list of questions for the degree and PSA code sections as well if you select ‘Yes’. Please remember to answer the question and not to skip right to the text box, this may result in a rejected request.

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