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Introductions Your Name Another Name Your Title Another Title

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2 Introductions Your Name Another Name Your Title Another Title
Introduction and thanks for participating in this market research. You will help us build better resources. (I like to tell the story of how publishers focused on instructors in the past and ignored the end user, students. At Nelson we truly value your feedback. We’ve been including students in our development process for the last seven years. We build these resources for you, so understanding how you use them (or don’t use them), what you’d like to see improved, what we are doing right, is critical if we want to produce learning solutions that meet your needs and support your course goals.)

3 What resources and tools do you typically use to learn and study for your courses?
Warm-Up: Ask them about the learning and study resources and tools they typically use. (PowerPoints, web quizzes, notes, digital homework solutions….) Ask them what they use, why they use these, why they feel they are valuable…

4 How are you currently using in your course?
Here’s where we find out if and how they are using MindTap in their course. This will help set up the demonstration in the next slide. (How often) do you use MindTap in this course?  In what ways do you use MindTap? Probes: Do you use it to: Complete homework assignments? Do group work in class? Study for exams? Track your progress in the course? Communicate with your instructor?

5 As content providers we have heard time and again that students are frustrated that they have to go to so many different places to access their different learning resources. Their time is limited and they need to be as efficient as possible when preparing for class. MindTap solves these issues by incorporating an eBook, dynamic assignments and cutting-edge applications all centered around a Learning Path, so that students can access everything they need in one location with a clear path to what they need to study and in which order. Why don’t we jump in and take a look? (Try to relate this back to the conversation we’ve just had around issues/digital solutions. Tailor your demo based on how they’ve been using it in their course.) If you are already familiar with MindTap, consider this a quick refresher. Show them the learning path. Explain how their instructor can customize it to their course. Show the eBook and the features that will help them most (ReadSpeak, highlighting and notetaking, the ability to include videos/quizzes within the text). Show them the apps. Ask a lot of questions as you show them. Encourage them to ask questions.

6 How does compare? Considering other digital learning solutions you have used in the past, how does MindTap compare?

7 Does = more time spent on your course?
Do you think MindTap is making it more likely that you’ll study? More likely that you’ll keep up with the coursework by completing homework assignments and completing them on time?

8 What has been your experience using the eReader?
How often do you access the eReader? How user-friendly is it? Is it easy to find what you’re looking for or what you need to know? What functions do you use: Highlighting? Readspeaker?

9 Did you buy a print book with ?
Did you purchase a print book in addition to MindTap? Why or why not?

10 What other tools do you use in ?
What other tools do you use (would you use) in MindTap? How do you use each one?  Probes: Flashcards Notes Gradebook Search Feature Aplia Homework Which of those tools do you find most useful and why? Which don’t you find particularly useful and why?

11 Does = more learning? How can = more learning?
Do you think you’ve learned more (could have learned more) than you would have otherwise had you not been using MindTap in this course? If yes, what sorts of things do you think you’re learning that you might not have learned otherwise? How might MindTap help you learn more or learn in a better way? What improvements or additional features would you recommend? Do you think that MindTap has helped you feel more engaged or interested in the course than you would have been otherwise?

12 Would you choose ? If you had to choose between a course with MindTap and one without, which would you choose? Why?

13 Your feedback matters! Please complete the survey
Ask them for any final thoughts. What would they improve in MindTap? What do they really love? Get them to complete the survey and permission form. Give out gift cards.

14 Thank you!

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