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Wind/Air More wind Weather Factors Weather Patterns Grab Bag 1pt 1 pt

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Presentation on theme: "Wind/Air More wind Weather Factors Weather Patterns Grab Bag 1pt 1 pt"— Presentation transcript:

1 Wind/Air More wind Weather Factors Weather Patterns Grab Bag 1pt 1 pt 1 pt 1pt 1 pt 2 pt 2 pt 2pt 2pt 2 pt 3 pt 3 pt 3 pt 3 pt 3 pt 4 pt 4 pt 4pt 4 pt 4pt 5pt 5 pt 5 pt 5 pt 5 pt

2 Why is it harder to breath as you go up a mountain?

3 There is less oxygen in the air the air is less dense

4 What happens to the air pressure as you go up a mountain?

5 It decreases

6 How can increased carbon dioxide cause global warming?

7 Trapping more heat in the atmosphere

8 Name the global wind belt that affects the Sahara Desert

9 Northeast trade winds

10 The burning of wood, coal, and natural gas produces this

11 Carbon dioxide

12 These are located near the equator and are areas of little or no wind

13 doldrums

14 This wind belt is located from the equator to 30o N and 30o S

15 Trade winds

16 Located about 30o North latitude and 30o South latitude the air stops moving toward the poles and sinks hint: it got its name when sailors traveling in this area ran out of food and had to throw part of their cargo overboard

17 Horse latitudes

18 Cold air near the poles sinks and flows toward equator, these winds are called

19 Polar easterlies

20 These winds occur in the region between 30o and 60o North latitude and 30o and 60o South latitude They play an important part of the weather for the United States

21 Prevailing westerlies

22 Bands of high-speed winds located about 10 kilometers above the Earth’s surface are called

23 Jet streams

24 Name the three main types of clouds

25 Cumulus, stratus and cirrus

26 Sea and land breezed over a large region that change direction with the seasons are called

27 monsoons

28 The way the Earth’s rotation makes the winds curve is called

29 Coriolis Effect

30 Long periods of unusually low precipitation are called

31 droughts

32 Name the four main types of air masses

33 Tropical, polar, maritime and continental

34 The area where air masses meet but do not mix is called

35 A front

36 Areas of low pressure that spin counter clockwise and are associated with storms and precipitation

37 cyclones

38 High pressure centers of dry air and are also called “highs” on a weather map winds spiral outward and in a clockwise direction

39 anticyclone

40 A sudden spark or energy discharge in storm clouds

41 lightning

42 A rapidly whirling, funnel-shaped cloud that reaches down from a storm cloud to touch the Earth’s surface

43 tornado

44 These begin over warm water as a low-pressure area, or tropical disturbance

45 hurricanes

46 A sudden, violent that occurs within a few hours

47 Flash flood

48 Occurs in the tropical Pacific Ocean during this weather event winds shift and push warm surface water toward the west coast This event occurs once every two to seven years

49 El Nino

50 A small change in weather today can mean a larger change in the weather a week later, this is the so-called

51 Butterfly Effect

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