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Mr. Mack History of the United States October 1, 2013

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1 Mr. Mack History of the United States October 1, 2013
Parliament’s Tax Laws Mr. Mack History of the United States October 1, 2013

2 Taxes After the War The British were in debt after the French and Indian War. They thought that the colonist should help with the cost of the war. So, Britain decided to tax the colonies These taxes will eventually lead to the American Revolution.

3 The Sugar Act (1764) Put a duty on several products, including molasses. Duty: tax on imports Colonial Reaction: smuggling

4 The Quartering Act (1765) This law was to enforce the Proclamation of 1763. Colonist had to house, feed, and supply the needs of British soldiers. Colonial Reaction: Protests

5 The Stamp Act (1765) Tax on most printed materials Colonial Reactions:
Wills, Licenses, Newspapers, Land titles, etc. Colonial Reactions: Boycott: an organized campaign to refuse to buy certain products. Stamp Act Congress: colonists met and to write a request for the king to end the Sugar Act and Stamp Act. Parliament repealed the Stamp Act, but passed the Declaratory Act. Parliament can still make laws for the colonies.

6 Townshend Acts (1767) Tax only on imported goods, not products in the colonies. Writ of Assistance: court orders that allowed official to make searches without saying what they are searching for. Colonial Reaction: Protests Committee of Correspondence to keep colonist informed of Britain’s actions. Parliament repeals duties, except on tea. Parliament: British lawmakers

7 The Tea Act (1773) Made British East India Tea Company Tea cheaper.
This upset colonist because it gave Britain a monopoly over tea. Monopoly: total control of a market for a certain product. Colonial Reaction: The Boston Tea Party – colonist disguised as Native Americans boarded a ship and dumped British tea into the Boston Harbor.

8 The Intolerable Acts Punishment for the Boston Tea Party:
Closed the Boston Harbor Decreased power of colonial government Colonist accused of murdering British officials can be tried in Britain. Strengthen the Quartering Act

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