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Ryder’s R & R Rules Reminders!.

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Presentation on theme: "Ryder’s R & R Rules Reminders!."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ryder’s R & R Rules Reminders!

2 ☺Flag Rules for Students by School
Rule: Bullying, instigating, and inappropriate contact are not allowed. Spreading rumors, putting down others or making jokes at other’s expense is considered bullying and instigating. Playing slapping games is considered inappropriate contact.

3 ☺Flag Rules for Students by School
Rule: No food or drink items are allowed in locker areas or in academic hallways. If students bring food or drinks to school, they are to be consumed in either the snack bar or the cafeteria before going to lockers or reporting to classrooms.

4 ☺Flag Rules for Students by School
Rule: Use of profanity, obscene or vulgar language has no academic value or purpose, and will not be used. Summer Break is over, clean up your language.

5 ☺Flag Rules for Students by School
Rule: Cheating or plagiarism is not allowed. Cheating includes copying homework, looking on another’s test or quiz, letting another student look on a test or quiz, and using other secretive methods of giving answers on a test or quiz.

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