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Animal Behavior.

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1 Animal Behavior

2 Adaptation Review Adaptations are traits that increase an organism’s chance of survival in a particular environment. Adaptations are inherited from parents. Adaptations can be physical or behavioral. Ex. Fur color, nocturnal vs. diurnal, hibernation (winter) and estivation(summer) Ex. Flower color, thorns, catching flies

3 Learned Behaviors in Animals
Learned behavior has been changed by practice or experience. Habituation-doing something so much you do not think about it anymore. Conditioning-making a mental connection between a stimulus and a reward or punishment. Ex. Trial and Error (maze), Pavlov’s Dogs Insight Learning/Reasoning

4 Animal Behaviors Instinct behavior (innate) is behavior that the animal is born with. Taxis-movement in relation to a stimulus that has a direction toward or away from the stimulus Reflex-movement in relation to a stimulus. Ex. Fight or Flight, reproduction, protection from predators, hibernating/estivating What controls these behaviors? DNA!!!

5 Imprinting Imprinting is a type of behavior that is both learning and innate. There is a limited phase in an animal’s development which is the only time when certain behaviors can be learned Konrad Lorenz

6 Social Behaviors Courtship- Dances to attract mates
Territoriality-mark the area so others know it is your area Hierarchy – social levels within a group Communication- inform others of location of food or danger Pheromones Bee Dances

7 Behavior 1. Is this video showing a behavior related to: Courtship
Migration Territorality Communication Learned Behavior








15 Behavior All animals function on circadian rhythms.
Rhythmic Behaviors-behaviors that occur in a cycle or pattern. All animals function on circadian rhythms. “biological clocks” Include activities an animal would do in a 24 hour cycle. Ex. Sleep, Wake, Eat, Excretion, etc. Annual Rhythms=occur over several seasons or a year. Hibernation/estivation Plant Biological rhythms-photoperiodism

16 Behavior Activities / 2.1.2/ 15 pts.

17 Earthworm Lab / 2.3 Purpose: What behaviors would an earthworm exhibit to adapt/survive in the environment? Hypothesis: Data: Copy Table on Board. Conclusion:

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