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Marijuana for Medical Purposes Ontario Operations

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1 Marijuana for Medical Purposes Ontario Operations
10/01/2017 – SSR034 (Contractor Version, with Edits)

2 Mission To transform natural resources into prosperity and sustainable development Vision To be the number one global natural resources company in creating long term value, through excellence and passion for people and the planet Values Life matters most; Value our people; Prize our planet; Do what is right; Improve together; Make it happen.

3 Health and Safety Mission and Vision
That every employee returns home healthy and safe after their workday. That every worker returns home healthy and safe after their workday. How would you feel if a person you LOVE Did not come home?

4 Alcohol, Drugs, Medications & the Occupational Health and Safety Act.
Medications and the Workplace. Marijuana for Medical Purposes and the Occupational Health and Safety Act. What if your doctor authorizes you to use marijuana as a medical treatment? Agenda

5 Alcohol, Drugs, Medications & the Occupational Health and Safety Act
Section 15 of the Occupational Health and Safety Act, Regulation 854 for Mines and Mining Plants in Ontario, states the following: No person under the influence of, or carrying, intoxicating liquor shall enter or knowingly be permitted to enter a mine or mining plant; Subject to subsection (3) no person under the influence of, or carrying a drug or narcotic substance shall enter or knowingly be permitted to enter a mine or mining plant; A person required to use a prescription drug and able to perform his or her work may enter a mine or mining plant upon establishing medical proof thereof.

6 Medications and the Workplace
Discuss any medication impacts on safety with your health professional. Inform them what you do for work to ensure they can prescribe medications that do not compromise your safety at work. Use a safe alternative, if available. You must inform your supervisor if you have been prescribed any medication that may affect your safety at work. Drugs that can put you at risk are narcotics (i.e. Percocet, Oxycontin, Tylenol 3, & other medication with codeine in them), muscle relaxants (i.e. Flexoril), and anti-depressants or anti-anxiety medications (may cause side effects for the first couple of weeks of taking them). (N/A - Removed from contractor version.) If you have been authorized to use marijuana for medical purposes, see the following slides for guidance.

7 Marijuana for medical purposes and the Ontario Occupational Health and Safety Act
Vale consulted with the Ministry of Labour (MOL) to determine if marijuana for medical purposes was considered a prescription drug applicable under Reg 854, Section 15(3). The MOL, in consultation with their physicians, confirmed that marijuana (fresh, dried or cannabis oil) authorized for medical purposes is NOT considered a prescription drug with regard to the application of Section 15(3). Therefore, if someone has been authorized to use marijuana for medical purposes they would not be allowed to enter or knowingly be permitted to enter a mine or mining plant.

8 What if your doctor has authorized you to use marijuana as a medical treatment?
If a doctor/health professional has authorized you to use or you are currently using marijuana to manage a medical condition, you must : Not report to work on Vale sites (*) Notify your supervisor that you have been prescribed a medication that is not permitted when working at a Mine or Mining Plant. (*) (N/A - Removed from contractor version.) If your doctor/health professional is considering authorizing you to use marijuana as a medical treatment, you should: Inform your doctor(s) of the impact of this authorization on you being able to work on Vale properties. Ask your doctor if there is a suitable alternative prescription medication that you can use instead. (* - underlined section modified for Contractor version.)

9 Every employee returns home
Life Matters Most Every employee returns home healthy and safe after their workday. That every employee returns home healthy and safe after their workday.

10 Márcio Dantas Valença / Agência Vale
Complexo Portuário Sul – TIG / RJ


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