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Practiced What Emerson Preached

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Presentation on theme: "Practiced What Emerson Preached"— Presentation transcript:

1 Practiced What Emerson Preached
Henry David Thoreau Practiced What Emerson Preached

2 Thoreau:Emerson’s Disciple
Eccentric Rebellious Independent Strong-willed

3 WALDEN Supreme Transcendentalist work
July 4th, 1845, Thoreau went to the woods; stayed 2 years 1st environmentalist Wrote about his spiritual relationship with nature

4 CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE Inspired MLK and Gandhi
Protested Mexican War-opposed slavery Refused to pay his poll (voting) tax Spent 1 night in jail Urges people to resist gov. policies with which they disagree

5 A Noble Soul Died at 44 of TB
At his death, he was considered a failure. Long-term, he is one of the most influential writers of all time. Inspired writers, environmentalists, and social and political leaders

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