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Bob Kelly, RSM Adapt Telephony Services, LLC

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1 Bob Kelly, RSM Adapt Telephony Services, LLC
Five Essentials for Building a Culture of Service Success Within Your Contact Center Bob Kelly, RSM Adapt Telephony Services, LLC

At Adapt, we work with out clients to provide a customer experience transformation plan that not only includes the technology, but also all of the elements that bring that change about. Because we know that in order to start the transformation plan, it must start with us providing our clients an experience that is unparalleled. Unparalleled across the entire journey – from sales, implementation, testing, training, and go live to account management, support, and growth.

3 Adapt Complete client care Program/Project management Implementation
Software applications development Testing Training Support Account management Consulting & best practices TRANSITION STATEMENT: To deliver those solutions to our clients, we’ve built a complete client care team dedicated to ensuring you are successful with the Genesys solution that’s right for you. Our Services We Advise, Implement, Develop, and Support Genesys’ products, including PureConnect & PureCloud We are a full service Professional Services Organization. Our service offerings include Program/Project Management, Consultant Services, System Engineering, App Development, Complex Integrations, Testing, Training and Support

4 Customer Experience Findings: Companies focused on delighting their customers Enabler: Social Media Conclusion: Don’t exceed customer expectations…just make it easy. The Perception More Loyal The Reality Less Loyal Below Customer Expectations Meets Customer Expectations Exceeds Customer Expectations “Delight” only happens 16% of the time “Delight” increases operating costs 10-20% TRANSITION: When it comes to service, companies create loyal customers by helping them solve their problems. However, customer service interactions are nearly four times more likely to lead to disloyalty than loyalty. So, where’s the problem? In the book The Effortless Experience, written by members of the Corporate Executive Board, the authors studied the impact of delighting customers and it’s associated impact on customer loyalty which, in turn, is expected to drive higher revenues. <Click> What they found was that there was a perception with companies that the more they could exceed customer expectations, the more loyal they would become. So, companies focused on doing everything they could to delight their customers – driven, I believe, by the perceived attention that would be driven through Social Media as well as the desire to prevent negative social media outcry in the even something terrible had happened during a normal customer interaction. But digging deeper, the study revealed that the perceived growth in customer loyalty isn’t reality. Instead of going up the more you exceed your customer’s expecations, loyalty reaches almost to its peak and then levels out whenever you simply MEET customer expectations. Even worse, it is REALLY HARD WORK to exceed your customer’s expectations. So hard, that it really only happens about 16% of the time. And the cost associated with trying to delight your customers increases operating costs by 10-20%! The bottom line is that companies shouldn’t be focusing on exceeding their customer’s expectations, but just simply meeting their expectations, time and time again, by making it EASY for the customer to do business with you.

5 Five Essentials for Building a Culture of Service Success Within Your Contact Center
And the best way to do that is by building a culture of service success within your contact center.

6 1. Hire the right talent

7 Hire the right talent Interviewing
Consider remote working to expand your talent pool Hire experts

8 2. Educate, not train, your agents on how to deliver service

9 Front end your calls first
IVR, chat bots, AI tools are handling the simple questions Callers that make it to your agents want experts

10 Educate your agents “We have two edges over our competition – how we serve the customer and our knowledge.” Make the customer smarter than they were before they called. Empower your employees. We only give our agents two scripted items – intro statement and closing statement. Service education shifts a person’s point of view and enables them to truly see the world from the customer’s perspective. Service training teaches someone how to ‘do’ something: provide quality in a specific situation. Training, by its nature, is tactical, prescriptive and usually differs between functions and departments. This approach can result in a fragmented understanding of service inside the organization. It can also leave employees unsure about what to do when they encounter a situation or request they have not been previously trained to handle. This leads to an inability to meet customers’ needs and to frequent escalations that take time and resources to resolve — with no guarantee of a desirable outcome for the customer. By contrast, service education teaches fundamental service principles that everyone can apply to their own jobs — regardless of role, function or level within the organization. With service education, employees learn to think proactively and responsively, and then act in an empowered manner to create value for their customers and colleagues. Service education creates a solid foundation – a shared understanding of the customer and a common language throughout the organization to talk about customer experience and service improvements.

11 3. Enable your agents with the right technology

12 Enable your agents Omnichannel UI Desktop consolidation
Inbound channels Outbound channels Blended – seamless transitions Desktop consolidation Embedded applications Screen pop Agent assistance Cloud solutions Talking Points Omnichannel – this isn’t just multichannel. We’re talking about multi-modal Omnichannel for your customers and a single UI for your agents to handle ALL interaction types. There is a significant increases in agent productivity, FCR and CSAT/NPS while also reducing handle time due to the ease at which agents can manage customer interactions. Customers don’t have to drop from one interaction to try another Agents don’t have to introduce delays as they manipulate different UIs to try communicating with customers Desktop Consolidation – similarly, by bringing together multiple applications into a single UI has the same impact. It’s still surprising to us how many contact centers still don’t have a single UI with embedded interaction controls. Some typical laggards we see: Insurance Financial Institutions Agent assistance – Putting a customer on hold should happen minimally. Providing agents a “click for help” feature that immediately signals a supervisor to start monitoring/answer questions is a must Cloud Solutions – moving your contact center to the cloud has many benefits. For the agents, it means you can easily introduce/switch contact center solutions that enable your agents to take advantage of the items above.

13 4. Monitor and adjust constantly

14 Monitor your agents Traditional KPIs Product knowledge
Maintaining quality can be hard…but not if you have the right tools Real-time speech analytics Text analytics Screen recording Agent scorecard review Customer Feedback/Surveys LMS Talking Points Traditional KPIs – whatever yours are – AHD, FCR, Response Time, CSAT, NPS, etc…, these are all still valid. But they aren’t the only measurement tools you should be using Product Knowledge – As mentioned before, B&H Photo prides themselves on how much they spend on educating their agents on the products that they sell. This is an on-going process and there should be testing involved to gauge product info absorption. Quality tools

15 5. Recognize and reward your front line

16 Reward and recognize your employees
Employee Engagement Real-time Feedback Motivation Learning

17 Reward and recognize your employees
Keeping talent is better than losing talent Agents know what customers want/need Churn in the contact center is good ONLY if it is used for the benefit of the organization through promotion

18 Bob Kelly, RSM Adapt Telephony Services, LLC
Five Essentials for Building a Culture of Service Success Within Your Contact Center Bob Kelly, RSM Adapt Telephony Services, LLC

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