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Presentation on theme: "REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA MINISTRY OF LABOUR, FAMILY,"— Presentation transcript:

1 REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA MINISTRY OF LABOUR, FAMILY, SOCIAL AFFAIRS AND EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES Legal entitlement for paternity leave with a longer duration in Slovenia. Andrej Del Fabro, M.Sc Director General

2 Paternity leave and paternity benefit since 2003:
REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA MINISTRY OF LABOUR, FAMILY, SOCIAL AFFAIRS AND EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES Applicable statutory basis: Parental Care and Family Benefits Act (Zakon o starševskem varstvu in družinskih prejemkih– ZSDP- 1) (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, no. 26/2014, 90/15). Paternity leave and paternity benefit since 2003: In 2003 fathers had 15 calendar days with 100% paternity benefit, In 2004 fathers had additional 30 unpaid days (only social contributions were paid), In 2005 fathers had 15 paid and 75 unpaid days of paternity leave. Legal entitlement for paternity leave with a longer duration in Slovenia.

3 REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA MINISTRY OF LABOUR, FAMILY, SOCIAL AFFAIRS AND EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES Council Directive 2010/18/EU of 8 March 2010 implementing the revised Framework Agreement on parental leave concluded by BUSINESSEUROPE, UEAPME, CEEP and ETUC and repealing Directive 96/34/EC. minimum requirement for parental leave: individual right for at least four months, at least one of the four months shall be provided on a nontransferable basis. Public was against the solution to make one month of parental leave nontransferable for fathers. A new solution had to be found to have one nontransferable month for each parent. Legal entitlement for paternity leave with a longer duration in Slovenia.

4 Each parent has 130 days of parental leave.
REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA MINISTRY OF LABOUR, FAMILY, SOCIAL AFFAIRS AND EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES Each parent has 130 days of parental leave. One month is nontransferable for a mother. A father has 30 days of paid paternity leave (the same wage compensation, the same use and the same conditions as for parental leave). Progressive implementation GDP reaches 2,5% in 2014 Paid paternity leave (in calendar days) Unpaid paternity leave (in calendar days) 2015 15 75 2016 20 50 2017 25 2018 30 Legal entitlement for paternity leave with a longer duration in Slovenia.

5 This right is not transferable. Paternity leave lasts 30 days.
REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA MINISTRY OF LABOUR, FAMILY, SOCIAL AFFAIRS AND EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES Paternity leave is intended for fathers to be able to share with the mother the child's care and protection during the child’s most sensitive period. This right is not transferable. Paternity leave lasts 30 days. Wage compensation is 90% od the basis (temporary), otherwise 100% of the basis (past 12 wages prior the use of the leave). Legal entitlement for paternity leave with a longer duration in Slovenia.

6 The father must use the paternity leave:
REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA MINISTRY OF LABOUR, FAMILY, SOCIAL AFFAIRS AND EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES The father must use the paternity leave: lasting 15 days in the form of full or part absence from work up until the age of the child of six/in some cases 12 months. The father receives wage compensation for these 15 days, lasting 25 days in 2017 (in 2018 is only paid leave) in the form of complete absence from work up until the child is 3 years of age without wage compensation, the state pays all the social contributions, lasting 10 days in 2017 (in 2018 lasting 15 days) in the form of full or part absence from work after the parental leave until child finishes the first grade of elementary school. The father receives wage compensation for these 10/15days. Legal entitlement for paternity leave with a longer duration in Slovenia.


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