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CAASPP Prep Advisory Curriculum

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1 CAASPP Prep Advisory Curriculum

2 “There is nothing like a dream to create the future” – Victor Hugo
Write to Think: No pressure writing. Write non-stop for at least one minute about what this quote makes you think about. Day 1: 5 minute Warmup.

3 “There is nothing like a dream to create the future” – Victor Hugo
Pair-Share: Discuss with your neighbor your answer Cold Call: Share you partner’s response with the class Day 1: Discuss with students that it is important to have dreams about what you would like life to be. Dreams inspire us and make us happy and the world a better place. Dreams can be motivators. Share your dreams with your students. Have you always had them or are they new? This is an opportunity to connect with your students.

4 The facts! Teens that have dreams for their future……
Avoid RISKY behaviors Spend more time doing CONSTRUCTIVE activities Are more optimistic Tend to be happier and enjoy life more Day 1: Discuss the word risky and types of activities that are considered risky (drugs, sex, ditching school, loitering, long hours on the social media or video games). Discuss the word constructive and types of activities that are considered constructive (participating in extra curricular activities, sports, hobbies like writing music or art, volunteering, studying or helping out at home). What does it mean to be optimistic? How do all of these things lead to being happier?????

5 Dream Clouds activity Make a list of 4 different dreams you have for your life Choose one of those dreams and make a Dream Cloud to put up on the wall. It can be words or a picture. Day 1: Have students create a Dream Cloud and tape it on the wall as high as possible so that your room is full of dreams. They can make two if they want. You wants lots of these around the classroom. You can even put some dream clouds in the hallways too! Put keep them high!! Create your own dream cloud.

6 Dream big! Create a vision board. Use pictures and motivational words or statements to represent your dream. Add trinkets or photographs that make you think of your goals and future success. Put your vision board in a place you will see it every morning when you wake up and evening before you go to bed. Cut images from magazines or draw your own. Look up inspiration quotes or write down words that have meaning for you in large, bold letters. Focus on how you want to feel rather than material things you hope to have. Doing this helps you motivate yourself because you can feel successful every day. Day 1: Encourage students to Create a Visions Board at home.

7 “You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great”
Write to Think: No pressure writing. Write non-stop for at least one minute about what this quote makes you think about. Day 2: 5 minute Warmup

8 Pair-Share: Discuss with your neighbor your answer
“You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great” Pair-Share: Discuss with your neighbor your answer Cold Call: Share you partner’s response with the class Day 2: Discuss with students the first part of the quote “don’t have to be great to start” – that we don’t start off great, but with experience and effort we can become great. We just have to start. When do you start? Is it ever too late to start?

9 Why be great? What does it mean to be GREAT?
How or why does being GREAT help us? Day 2: Being great is being and doing your very best and to your full potential. Being great helps us accomplish our goals. You can’t get want you want unless you make an effort to be the best you can be.

10 Say, mean, matter Say Mean Matter
A Native American guide who displayed uncanny skills in navigating the rugged regions of the Southwest was asked how he did it so well. “what is your secret of being an expert tracker and trail-blazer?” a visitor asked. The guide answered: “There is no secret. One must only possess the far vision and the near look. The first step is to determine where you want to go. Then you must be sure that each step you take is a step in that direction. What does the guide mean by the far vision? What does he mean by a near look? What’s the difference? Why is it important to have a far vision? Why is it important to have a near look? Day 2: Have students write the Mean and Matter down, then discuss them. The guide means that you must know where you’re going before you even start and then you have to have a plan on how to get there and stick to it. What might happen if you don’t have the far vision? What about the near look? You end up somewhere else, you get lost, it takes too long to get there, you get tired and quit

11 Dreams & goals Dreams Goals Far Vision Near Look
Day 2: In common: Can inspire or motivate you, are personal, they are limitless (you can have as many of them as you want to)…Differences: Dreams can be unrealistic, dreams are free (no cost and no effort), dreams don’t change your reality, they are only in the mind. Goals are realistic, they require a plan, they produce results, they cost effort and sometimes money, they have a timeframe

12 Secrets of success part 2
Day 2: Continue to write the steps of success

13 If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put the foundation under them. - Henry David Thoreau “You never know what's around the corner. It could be everything. Or it could be nothing. You keep putting one foot in front of the other, and then one day you look back and you've climbed a mountain.”  ― Tom Hiddleston Day 3: What is the common theme? It is to Do Something! Create the foundation and continue putting one foot in front of the other. You can not expect dreams to become goals without effort and tenacity (discuss tenacity)

14 Is this a Long term or short term goal?
Scenario: High School graduate, no work experience and no credit Goal is to buy a home that costs $500,000. And the plan to achieve that goal is: save $25,000.00 raise your credit score to 750 Have a permanent job that pays at least $5,000 a month. Day 3: What type of a goal is this and why? It’s a long term goal because the steps to achieve it can also be goals. For example, saving $25,000 could be a goal because the plan would be to get a job, and put a certain amount of money away every month. The same for the credit score. The plan requires more planning. What is the difference between a long term and short term goal? Why is each one important? You need the vision of the long term goal, but you need to feel successful or you might give up. So short term goals ensure you stay on track.

15 Elements of a well planned goal
Put the following in the order you believe they should go. Never Give Up Develop a time line Analyze where you are now Personal Desire/Dream Specific and realistic result Identify knowledge you will need Make a plan Monitor you progress Identify obstacles Believe in yourself Day 3: Working in pairs, students need to put these elements of a well planned goal in the order they believe they should go. Have a discussion about why each goes before the other. No right or wrong answers. Are these elements easy or difficult? Why? When should you start?

16 Goals to consider Areas of my life Goals to consider
What I might need to learn or find out Obstacles I might run into Actions to take Who can help me Relationships with family or friends Health & Fitness Leisure activities & hobbies School & Study Work or other Day 3: Have students work independently to practice creating, setting and working on Long Term individual goals. Students may choose any area of their lives

17 Word cloud for your short term goals!
to ___________________________ They will print it and put up on their walls Day 3: Have students use the computers to create word clouds. They will them to you. Have the office print them in color. Put them up in you room under the Dream Clouds. This is Ms. Del Pino’s Goals cloud

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