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welcome to the first annual

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1 welcome to the first annual
Postdoc Orientation September 19, 2017

2 Agenda 3:00-3:15 (Dean Jerry McMurtry) - the Postdoc Office: a brand-new entity sponsored by COGS and ORED 3:15-3:35 (Anahi Espindola, Kara Yedinak, Mariana Dobre, Jessica Lee) - the Postdoc Association: what we've got so far and what we want it to become 3:35-3:45 (Yvonne Nyavor) - the Professional Development Initiative: year- round programming to help grad students and postdocs succeed in their careers 3:45-3:55 (Kent Nelson) - from the Office of the General Counsel: legal responsibilities of postdocs who supervise students ~ short break ~ 4:00-4:10 (Andrew Schaffer) - the Career Services Center: helping postdocs get jobs 4:10-4:30 (Nancy Holmes) - resources for research funding applications, from the Offices of Sponsored Programs and the Office of Research and Economic Development 4:30-4:40 (Barbara Beatty) - the Ombuds Office: help with communication and conflict resolution in the workplace 4:40-5:00 (Arlette Jameson) - how to make the most of Benefits Services

3 Who we are 66 Postdoctoral Fellows 6 Research Associates
College of Science Biological Sciences Chemistry Statistics Geography Mathematics College of Agricultural and Life Science Agricultural Economics & Rural Sociology Entomology, Plant Pathology & Nematology Food Science Plant Sciences Soil & Water Systems College of Natural Resources Idaho Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit Fisheries Unit Forest, Rangeland & Fire Sciences Natural Resources and Society Intermountain Forest Tree Nutrition Cooperative Wildlife Resources College of Engineering Chemical & Materials Engineering Center for Ecohydraulics Research Electrical & Computer Engineering Mechanical Engineering National Institute for Advanced Transportation Technology

4 Who we are One year ago, when 19 postdocs took our survey...

5 What we’ve been doing Activities:
(All of it independently) Activities: communicating via listserv monthly breakfasts grad student mentoring program professional development workshop Building for the future: connecting to each other understanding our demographics evaluating our needs

6 The Postdoc Association (UIPDA)
What we’re creating The Postdoc Office by the administration, for postdocs College of Graduate Studies + Office of Research & Economic Development The Postdoc Association (UIPDA) by us, for us

7 Where the UIPDA fits in (nationally)
Thanks to UI, you can join the National Postdoctoral Association for free! Sign up as an affiliate member and provide address

8 What we want the UIPDA to do
Communication a systematic way to connect all postdocs and research associates Social interaction regular breakfasts and happy hours; special events Orientation resources to help us navigate working life at UI Service mentorship of undergraduate and graduate students Professional development workshops; postdoc seminar series Participation in UI decision-making a seat on faculty senate? Mentorship postdoc mentoring plans, a faculty advisor for UIPDA, avenues for advocacy The official stuff that University recognition could give us website, channels for advertising, access to contact info, funding, space reservations

9 Speaking of mentoring students...
Two programs are currently recruiting postdocs to share your hard-won wisdom: COGS Graduate Student Fellowship Support Program seeking Partnering Reviewers to offer feedback on grad students’ funding applications contact Brenda Hanley, Professional Development Initiative seeking panelists for Q&A sessions on time management and on becoming and being a postdoc contact Yvonne Nyavor, (or in person today!)

10 We are writing Bylaws! Here’s a summary of the articles:
I. Definition of a postdoc an individual holding a doctoral degree who is engaged in a temporary period of mentored research and/or scholarly training for the purpose of acquiring scholarly, scientific, and/or professional skills needed to pursue a career path of his or her choosing. II. Name, Purpose, Activities Main purposes: a) to provide representation and a collective voice to address the needs and concerns of postdocs as well as to act as a liaison between postdocs and the administration of University of Idaho; b) to promote academic and career goals of postdocs; c) to promote interaction among UI postdocs on an academic, social and cultural basis, as well as to disseminate information relevant to postdocs; d) to provide opportunities for postdocs to serve the UI community, with a focus on mentorship of graduate students. III. Membership and officers Members: all postdocs employed at UI are automatically members Officers: 2 Co-chairs, 1 secretary-treasurer, <6 members-at-large

11 We want YOU! We need help with getting UIPDA up and running.
We’ll also need help running it! Meet cool people – Develop leadership skills – Design the activities that YOU want – Have a voice in decision-making at UI – Take a break from research - Serve the future of science by serving your fellow postdocs Talk to Anahi, Mariana, Kara or Jessica. And please fill out our questionnaire!

12 Rants & Raves Brewery • 308 N. Jackson St.
don’t miss the first UI Postdoc Happy Hour Monday, September 25 5:00-7:00pm Rants & Raves Brewery • 308 N. Jackson St. Friends, family, and colleagues are more than welcome! RSVP (if you can) online (we’ll send a survey by soon)

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