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Slide Set #26B: Homo erectus II - B

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1 Slide Set #26B: Homo erectus II - B
Tim Roufs’ section European Homo erectus

2 Time 23 July 2001

3 Time 23 July 2001

4 Homo erectus Orrorin Ardipithecus Australopithecus Paranthropus Homo
tugenensis ramidus anamensis afarensis africanus garhi aethiopicus boisei robustus rudolfensis ( “early” ) habilis ( “early” ) erectus sapiens

5 Understanding Physical Anthropology and Archaeology, 9th ed., p. 238

6 Homo rudolfensis ( “early” ) Homo habilis ( “early” ) erectus sapiens
Genus Homo Species rudolfensis ( “early” ) habilis ( “early” ) erectus Java (Trinil) Pithecanthropus erectus China (Beijing) Homo erectus pekinensis Africa . . . Europe . . . sapiens

7 Kottak, Physical Anthropology & Archaeology (NY: McGraw-Hill, 2004), p

8 Kottak, Physical Anthropology & Archaeology (NY: McGraw-Hill, 2004), p

9 European Homo erectus Atapuerca (Spain) Gran Dolina
Heidelberg (Germany) Homo heidelbergensis ?

10 European Homo erectus Atapuerca (Spain) Gran Dolina ca. 800,000 ybp
May be the last common ancestor of Neanderthals and modern humans Homo antecessor?





15 European Homo erectus Atapuerca (Spain) Gran Dolina
Heidelberg (Germany) Homo heidelbergensis ?



18 Understanding Physical Anthropology and Archaeology, 9th ed., p. 238

19 scientific classsification
Homo erectus scientific classsification Homo erectus erectus (Java) Homo erectus pekinensis (China) Homo erectus mauritanicus (North Africa) Homo erectus heidelbergensis ? (Germany)

20 Homo erecti \ are hand axe people
Homo erectus REM Homo erecti \ are hand axe people

21 http://www. beloit. edu/~museum/logan/paleoexhibit/paleobritain


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