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Presentation on theme: "EU TA MAPPING SYSTEM: A COORDINATION TOOL"— Presentation transcript:

Technical assistance for increased agriculture production of smallholders in South Sudan Technical assistance for increased agriculture production of smallholders in South Sudan (TAIAPS-SS) EuropeAid/137129/DH/SER/SS/ Technical assistance for increased agriculture production of smallholders in South Sudan EU TA MAPPING SYSTEM: A COORDINATION TOOL JUBA RESILIENCE EXCHANGE NETWORK This project is financed by the EU:

2 EXPECTED RESULTS RESULT 1: monitoring of individual projects or the EU/SS rural development programmes ensured RESULT 2: overall coherence of all EU/SS rural development programmes ensured RESULT 3: effective coordination of all activities, agencies and stakeholders involved is ensured

3 Overall Framework: critical issues
Lack of effective coordination among donors and IPs. Lack of clear and relevant baseline data: these data are central to monitor and assess the EU projects. Field data and project reporting with no or not clear reference to locations. Data are not collected regularly. Logical frameworks need to include realistic indicators that require projects to capture qualitative information. Indicators should reflect achievements rather than delivery of activities. Discrepancies in data collection methods. Lack of common market database repository. Lack of information about livestock, pastoralists livelihood, mortality, pastoral production.

Web based Compulsory for all EU-funded projects Open to all other donors and agencies Devoted to resilience/RD initiatives

5 Services: Training/extension
1st - WEB FORM Reporting currency currency (ANY) Main currency used in the financial report. Project title and number (# assigned by donor) Acronym number Please indicate the Acronym project and the Contract number assigned by the donor. NAME OF DONOR name Name of your donor Who NAME OF ORGANIZATION organization type (NGOs, UN, Private, etc. Name of your organization (which signed the agreement with the Donor) NAME OF IMPLEMENTING PARTNER Name of your implementing partner, if you are not implementing the activities in this village yourself (co-applicant, sub grant partner, etc), Partner Info: ORGANIZATION CONTACT PERSON Name of the FSL-C focal point in your organization ORGANIZATION CONTACT PERSON ORGANIZATION CONTACT PERSON TELEPHONE NUMBER Mobile number IS IT PART OF HRP? yes/not yes or not Improved Livelihoods or food assistance intervention? Improved Livelihoods / food assistance intervention chose one of the two Where VILLAGE Current name according to the last Governament resolution VILLAGE coordinates Latitude, es: 04°51'.18.4" Longitude, es: 31°35'.9.5" Format in DMS - DD°MM'.SS.S" - (collected directly in the village or from the map) BOMA PAYAM COUNTY STATE 2nd WEB FORM What RESULTS DESCRIPTION narrative description very short description of the results which are intended to be achieved in the Village/boma: Activity (CAMP dev theme) (*) (CAMP Sub-sector) Services: Training/extension Works & Supplies (seeds, tools, drugs, animals, others) value in the currency % of completion Provide HERE a short description regarding Works and Supplies (to be completed by the organization) Unconditional Food Assistance (i) RR Cross-cutting Indicate here the total value % description of the supplies, General Food Distribution (GFD) relief food Unconditional Cash Transfers are in the forms of Cash disbursement to meet nutritional needs description of the supplies, e.g. milling vouchers Major public works: Markets and feeder roads building or rehabilitation description of the supplies and works DRR and Natural Resource Management Forestry Rainfed cropping (ii) FS Crop describe the items (to be) distributed to increase production: seeds, tools, etc. Animal traction as above for ox-ploughs, others ... Seed production/multiplication foundation (or selected) seeds, tools, other materials (mention here) Horticulture inputs, irrigation equipment Vaccination/treatments Livestock type of vaccination and treatments, others releted Post-harvest, value chain, markets (iii) EG type of supplies and/or works for post-harvest lost, storing, transport, processing, marketing, etc. Bovine type of livestock provided Shoats Poultry Fishing Fisheries type of fishing tools, feed, fingerlings, excavation of small ponds, other Private sector support/agro dealers ID VSLA cash box, other Conditioned Cash or Food transfer/job creation (with exclusion of major public works) Food or Cash, type of job Major public works: Markets and feeder roads maintenance literacy/numeracy (v) ID others: Specify any others activities (including education, health, peace building project, etc.) specify other TOTAL INVESTMENT IN THE VILLAGE ABOVE SUM For Whom Target groups (groups/entities who will directly benefit from the action..) Narrative description (IDPs, Refugees, Host Community, Returnees, cattle keeper communities, mix ) TOTAL NUMBER OF HOUSEHOLDS TARGETED Number Total number of HH reached (if activity reported in HH) TOTAL NUMBER OF INDIVIDUALS TARGETED Total number of individuals. This will be Households X 6 NUMBER OF MALE TARGETED Number of male beneficiaries above 18 NUMBER OF FEMALE TARGETED Number of famele beneficiaries above 18 When Planned Activity life Completed Ongoing ACTIVITY START DATE yyyy-mm-dd Activity life (Indicate the start and end date of the activity (NOT the start and end dates of the project)) ACTIVITY END DATE REPORTING MONTH yyyy-mm HYPERLINK TO RELEVANT REPORT Hyperlink make the relevant report available in the web and link it here

6 Name of villages in the Boma no of households total population male
3rd - WEB FORM Name of villages in the Boma no of households total population male female Children <5 years Population in cattle camps Internally displaced persons Ethnic group and languages spoken Type of settlement (like village, POC, refugee camps etc.) note on accessibility: seasonality, security Types of terrain:swamp land, bush/ forest, river island etc.. Closest Key facilities Given name Latitude Longitude Notes School type and working conditions Community Health Centres Hospital Markets (serving more villages) Other relevant Recurrent type of shocks affecting the project area (village) which may prevent the achievement of the results Description (max 3 words) number during last 12 months number during the project life Notes (inpact on the village's population and on the project. Flood Clashes others



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