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What the Spending Review and Draft Welsh Budget mean for public services and benefits in Wales : joint presentation from Wales Public Services 2025 and.

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Presentation on theme: "What the Spending Review and Draft Welsh Budget mean for public services and benefits in Wales : joint presentation from Wales Public Services 2025 and."— Presentation transcript:

1 What the Spending Review and Draft Welsh Budget mean for public services and benefits in Wales : joint presentation from Wales Public Services 2025 and Bevan Foundation.

2 Government Expenditure categories
Departmental Expenditure Limits (DEL) - Resource DEL – day to day operating expenditure by public services, grants etc - Capital DEL – Construction, infrastructure Annually Managed Expenditure (AME) Resource AME - Demand-led expenditure such as pensions, benefits, debt interest Capital AME

3 Resource Del Real UK 1 three budgets this year!
2 Promised real cuts in now virtually elimated 3 But later increases also reduced 4 Now no real cuts in and around 1% a year until 5 Real increase in

4 Sources Deficit Reduction 2015-16 to 2019-20



7 Departmental Expenditure Limit (Resource) cash £000
Net Change % Health and Social Services 6,486,592 244,646 3.8% 6,731,238 Local Government 3,432,187 ,784 -2.6% 3,344,403 Communities and Tackling Poverty 336,614 ,022 -0.9% 333,592 Economy, Science and Transport 612,974 ,341 -4.1% 587,633 Education and Skills 1,579,609 1,201 0.1% 1,580,810 Natural Resources 294,083 ,323 -5.6% 277,760 Central Services and Admin 292,783 7,594 2.6% 300,377 Total WG MEG Allocations 13,034,842 120,971 0.9% 13,155,813

8 NHS England spending review figures
Total DEL (£ million cash) 101.3 106.8 110.2 112.7 115.8 Real terms growth rate 1.6% 3.6% 1.3% 0.4% 0.7%


10 Welsh Government funding for Local Government
WAO – fell 10% real terms WLGA – aggregate external finance fell 16% real terms OBR – significant drop to Welsh Draft Budget – aggregate external finance cut 1.4%

11 Real Terms changes in local authority service spending (2014-15 prices), aggregate, £ thousands
Education £2,833,476 Social £1,575,413 Other £1,702,898 Education £2,630,069 Social £1,563,977 Other £1,320,513

12 Council Tax Trends

13 Welsh Police Funding

14 Third Sector Shift to commissioning not grants for services providers
84% local authority income now service payments, especially social services, young people, education – protected areas Most relevant grant lines in draft Welsh budget cash flat Social housing role in Wales unchanged – implications of housing benefit changes?

15 Pay Bill 1% cap on pay rises National Insurance – pensions cost National Living Wage Public Sector Employment Wales 6%ish fall between

16 Some Key Messages Reports of demise of Austerity exaggerated – 4 more years Growing Wales-England divergence Continued pressure on public service innovation and change Continued push down to the community Concerns about impact on low income families and vulnerable unchanged

17 The Spending Review and the Welsh Budget: Wales Public Services 2025
The Spending Review & Changes to Benefits: the u-turn that wasn’t Victoria Winckler Thank you for invitation to speak – appreciate opportunity to share our work and also grateful for support from Shelter over the years. Going to do three things: A tiny bit about the Bevan Foundation Key points from our Wales in 2020 report – economy, society, environment & politics Some issues and questions that flow from that – for you and others The Spending Review and the Welsh Budget: Wales Public Services 2025 10th December 2015

18 Context Benefits underpin social fabric of Wales:
651,900 get state pension. 619,885 children receive child benefit. 237,000 working-age adults get out of work benefits. 164,000 families in-work get benefits. £10.7 billion in 2014/15

19 CSR - what’s changed? Cancelled: Tax Credits (while they still exist):
cut in income threshold increase in earnings taper Staying from Summer Budget: Tax Credits: two child limit abolition of family element benefit cap main benefits frozen ESA-WRAG cut to JSA rate Changes to Housing Benefit Cuts to income threshold and increase in earnings taper still apply to Universal Credit

20 Effect of Tax Credit Change
Short term: Pain eased for poorest Long term: Marginal - poorest still hit hard

21 Impact on Wales Summer 2015 Budget forecast still stands:
Macro - loss of £600m to 2019/20 Micro - average £459 per household = 2% income Distribution – highly uneven impact ... Source: James Browne (2015) The Impact of the UK Government's Tax, Welfare and Minimum Wage Reforms in Wales, IFS.

22 By income decile

23 By household type .…

24 Implications & questions
Significant increase in hardship and poverty. Is there sufficient and appropriate action proposed to reduce poverty? Likely increased demand for public services esp. child & family. has the Welsh budget got the balance right? Growing social divisions – age, family type. can pensioner freebies be justified?

25 Find out more & subscribe

26 Reshaping the State?

27 Further information can be found at:

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