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Chemical Inventories.

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Presentation on theme: "Chemical Inventories."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chemical Inventories

2 Building Your Chemical Inventory
Conduct a review of all production and support processes (maintenance, cleaning, power generation, etc.) to identify ALL chemicals used on-site Obtain and review chemical information of each chemical SDS RSL/MRSL testing Create a standardized inventory of all chemicals used Include relevant information on inventory

3 Chemical Inventory – Good or Bad??
Department Name Hazard(s) Supply Vendor Gluing GL-100 - Flammable - Health Hazard - Irritant (eye, skin) Dynex Chemical Ask attendees is this good or bad and why. Leading into the next slide with a better example.

4 Chemical Inventory – Good or Bad??
Department Trade Name Chemical Composition CAS # % Composition Hazard(s) SDS # Container Quantity Supply Vendor (Name, Address, Phone) Gluing GL-100 Methyl cyclohexane 45 – 50% - Flammable - Health Hazard - Irritant (eye, skin) SDS-005 25L Dynex Chemical Ltd., 144 Austin Rd, Hong Kong N-heptane 40 – 45% Modified natural rubber N/A 10 – 15% Discuss the information required, why its required, etc.. This example is better, however there are still some items missing (revision date, approved chemicals status, usage quantities etc.), see next slide

5 Chemical Inventory – Good or Bad??
Revision Date: 01/21/2017 Example Chemical Inventory List # Storage/Use Location Process Chemical Name Supplier/Contact On Approved Chemicals Lists? Chemicals CAS # % Composition SDS # Hazard Class Quantity Stored Annual Consumption to date 1 Dye Kitchen - Production Storage A Fabric Dying Acetic Acid ABC Chemicals tel. (555) Yes 99.99% SDS-01 Flammable - category 3, Corrosive - Serious eye damage, category 1, Skin corrosion, category 1A 250L 1500L 2 Dry Chemical Storage LFS-200 Chemstar tel. (555) Silica 35% SDS-02 Environmental Hazard - Acute hazards to the aquatic environment, category 1 20kg 600kg Aluminum 65% Discuss the information required, why its required/important, etc..

6 Use Your Chemical Inventory
Inventory = Database Can be separated by: Production areas Processes Product lines Departments Chemical hazards classes Explain that the inventory can be a useful document. Excel based inventories work great as they provide a simple format that is easy to maintain and also can be sorted/searched by various items.

7 Use Your Chemical Inventory
Identify and prioritize hazardous chemical for substitution Restricted chemicals, significant human/environmental health impacts Track chemical usage quantities Can be used in the development and tracking of targets Identify any unknown chemicals on-site and regulate purchasing approvals Serves as a list of chemicals approved for purchase Standardize purchasing schedules and quantities Reduce over stocking, expiration Identify any redundant chemistries or areas of excessive use A chemical inventory is a living document that should be reviewed and updated regularly (at least every 6 months) by dedicated and trained staff

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