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Stress & Anxiety in Adolescents

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1 Stress & Anxiety in Adolescents


3 Some facts we are dealing with
Mental Health and emotional issues often develop during adolescence 75% of adults presented with mental health issues by their teens Issues around mental health can remain undetected and untreated unless someone picks up on this! What are the issues? Who? Unfortunately there is still a stigma attached to mental health which can stop some of our students getting the help and support they need Students may lack insight to realise they need help Some issues may disable the students to think clearly Key figures in a YP’s life can help guide them towards appropriate help and support

4 It’s become clear the promotion of positive mental health and well being in schools should be a priority – if a child functions well they will achieve more On average students with better well being achieve higher grades, better attendance, go on to further education, build stronger relationships Ofsted will “look to see that learners are knowledgeable about how to keep themselves healthy, both emotionally and physically”

5 Today’s focus - Anxiety
anxiety can be tough for anyone to deal with add in the whirlwind of changes that come with adolescence anxiety can feel like an intrusive pest that spends way too much time squeezing, surprising and overwhelming anyone it lands on there are ways to take back control it’s important to understand the telltale signs Together we can make anxiety lose its power!

6 Myth: Talking to your child about anxiety will make them even MORE anxious. 
Fact: Providing accurate information about anxiety can reduce confusion or shame. Explain that anxiety is a common and normal experience, and it can be managed successfully! Once your child understands this, he or she will feel more motivated to make life easier.   How do I introduce the topic? Step 1: Encouraging your child to open up about any fears and worries Step 2: Teaching your child about anxiety Step 3: Helping your child recognise anxiety 

7 Anxiety has absolutely nothing to do with strength, character or courage- People with anxiety will be some of the strongest, most likable, bravest people any of us will know. Anxiety and courage always exist together. Sometimes it drops in for absolutely no reason at all - Anxiety happens because your brain thinks there might be danger, even when there is no danger at all. Brains are smart, but they can all read things a little bit wrong sometimes.  Anxiety is soooo common. Almost as common as having feet. But not quite - On average, about 1 in 5 young people have anxiety. Without a doubt, someone you know or care about will also struggle with anxiety from time to time.

8 Everyone experiences anxiety on some level
Anxiety exists on a spectrum – some people get it a lot and some people get it a lot less, but we all experience anxiety on some level at some time in our lives Anxiety is a feeling, not a personality - Anxiety doesn’t define you. It’s a feeling – it will come, but it will always go, and it’s as human as having a heartbeat. Your brain that is strong, healthy and doing exactly what brains are meant to do - Your brain is magnificent. It’s just a little overprotective. It loves you like a favourite thing and it wants to keep you safe.

9 Vicious Circle – where do we break it?
Anxiety Thought Feeling Emotion Physical

10 How can I help? Draw a body, locate where the anxiety is Give the anxiety a name / liken it to music / score it – greater sense of control Help identify thoughts, look at the facts which is real? If you woke up tomorrow morning and all your anxiety had magically disappeared, what would you do?  How would you act? How would your family know you weren’t anxious? (Your teacher? your friends?)  Finish the following sentences:  My anxiety stops me from When I am not anxious, I will be able to...   


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