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Overcoming questions and objections

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Presentation on theme: "Overcoming questions and objections"— Presentation transcript:

1 Overcoming questions and objections
ASEA Leadership Development Training 2017 Oddmund Berger INTRODUCTION (Relate and Identify, the audience has to feel that they are just like you: so they listen, and so they can justify joining ASEA themselves.) YOUR STORY (Include something about:) Time – (e.g. you were very busy and a slave to time.) Money – (describe your situation, e.g. more month than money.) Job – (e.g. beholden to a job that didn’t fulfill you and you were making money for other people.) Economic Uncertainty – (e.g. no retirement fund to rely on, not enough money invested to carry you through economic uncertainty etc.) Financial Security – (e.g. living pay check to pay check.) Transition Statement And then, probably just like you, a friend of mine contacted me…….. And [he/she] immediately caught my attention with this new business model. July 12, 2017

2 The Enrollment Process is a part of A-LIFT
Attitude List Information Follow-up (Sign-up) Training The Enrollment Process Launch your business List of names Pique Interest Expert call Presentation Signup and Launch Definition Process “A series of actions or steps taken in order to achieve a particular end”

3 The Enrollment Process
Launch your business List of names Pique Interest Expert call Presentation Signup and Launch The process is simple, something anyone can do and it works!

4 Questions & Objections
Launch your business List of names Pique Interest Expert call Presentation Signup and Launch A sign of interest! You attract certain questions/objections The question behind the question: Ask! Ignorance vs Knowledge Techniques & tools The most common questions/objections What NOT to do! The best chance you have, to help the prospect change perception and decide to join (to “close” the prospect) Understand how to handle them and what to say Control your Attitude: How to Think – Feel – Act when getting a question/objection Learn how to handle the question/objection and what to say Practice – practice – practice!!!

5 Techniques & tools Launch your business List of names Pique Interest Expert call Presentation Signup and Launch Ask questions and clarify: Why do you ask? How did you arrive at that conclusion? “Mirroring”. Example: “This is expensive!” – Expensive? What do you mean? Why do you mean it is expensive? Compared to what? Feel – Felt – Found. “I understand how you feel. Many/I (if true) have felt the same. What we found out however, after educating us a little on the topic, was that…… “If you did have…(the time, the money, the network, the competence…) – would you do it then? “If I could show you a way….(to do it with the time you have, to get it financed/solve the money challenge, to find people….etc) – would you be open to do it then?

6 The most common questions/objections and some tools that can help you
Launch your business List of names Pique Interest Expert call Presentation Signup and Launch Money – expensive, have no money, can’t afford it: Laws of Relativity and Polarity. “How to get quick ROI by recruiting 6”. “How to finance it and have more money from day 1 than you had before”. Time - Too busy, don’t have time. Law of Polarity and relativity Leverage. Residual income. Network Don’t know enough people: Law of Polarity. How many do you think you need? Relativity: Can you find 10 in a country with 5 million? Science / Product -Can you proof it? Does it work? How do you know? I must feel it on me first. Documented? Patented? Expensive salt water? Googled and found negative comments Proven science. Package of articles. 3rd party Labs: BioAgilytics, Stephens, Dermatest, …. And more Network Marketing / the business model Pyramid? Only a few who got in early earn all the money. Don’t want to make money on my friends and family. Is it legal?... Competence / self esteem I’m not a sales person, a leader, a business person…

7 Sorting vs selling Sorting
Find people who are already interested in what we have Selling Trying to persuade/convince someone to like what we have

8 Scale of influence 10 9 8 Influence Others 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 «BEST»
«EASIEST» 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

9 Why use an Expert? Expert You Prospect
Invitation using an Edified Expert 80% - 90% Success Invite without an Edified Expert 10% - 20% Success People follow people, not companies, products or compensation plans They will take action to meet the Expert if they feel it’s worth it – So Edification is key! Expert You Prospect Respect Edify Trust

10 The Enrollment Process
Launch your business List of names Pique Interest Expert call Presentation Signup and Launch Questions / objections are signs of interest – so welcome them! It gives you a great opportunity to “close” and recruit a new associate. Learn how to handle questions/objections. Edify and use an “expert” till you have learned it yourself. PRACTICE – PRACTICE – PRACTICE!!!

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