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Presentation on theme: " #UrbanWaterSeries @GNOFoundation 11/21/2018."— Presentation transcript:

1 #UrbanWaterSeries @GNOFoundation

2 Portland’s Efforts to Weave Green with the Grey
Bill Owen, P.E. Greater New Orleans Foundation: Urban Water Series June 19, 2013

3 Presentation Outline Context: BES and Green Streets
Evolution of Green Streets in Portland Innovation & Demonstration – Projects Application & Implementation – Programs Mainstreaming – Practices Recent Applications and Lessons Learned Conclusions 3

4 BES: City’s sewer and stormwater utility Annual Budget ~ $200 million
~500,000 Residents Annual Rainfall: 37” 10yr/24hr Storm: 3.4” BES: City’s sewer and stormwater utility Annual Budget ~ $200 million FY12 Average Residential Monthly Rate = $59.57 Sanitary Sewer Services $8.14 per 100 cubic feet of water consumption Single Family and Duplexes i. Off-site charge $15.54 per user account per month ii. On-site charge 8.36 per user account per month

5 Examples of Green Streets in Portland
Swales Curb Extensions Slide shows types of green street designs considered for each project in the T2R Program: Top three show “standard” designs to retrofit existing ROW “Re-use” slide shows example of transforming existing area to a stormwater management facility “Other” photo example of using stormwater facilities to improve pedestrian safety (shorten crossing distance) Coordination during design includes the following: Property Owners Transportation Bureau Parks / Urban Forestry Water Bureau Fire Bureau Franchise Utilities Internal BES Groups Rain Gardens Street Planters

6 Presentation Outline Context: BES and Green Streets
Evolution of Green Streets in Portland Innovation & Demonstration – Projects Application & Implementation – Programs Mainstreaming – Practices Recent Applications and Lessons Learned Conclusions 6 6

7 Green Stormwater Infrastructure Program Implementation
Innovation & Demonstration – Projects Application & Implementation – Programs Mainstreaming –Practices

8 Innovation & Demonstration
CSO Control Program: Origin of GSI Pilot Projects & Case Studies Test New Designs & Specifications Extensive Monitoring See Online Case Studies & Reports “New” Types of Facilities Green Streets Ecoroofs Planters Rain Gardens Swales GSI started in early 1990s with CSO control projects (sumps, stormwater separation, downspout disconnection)

9 Downspout Disconnection Program

10 Application & Implementation: Sustainable Stormwater Program
Purposes: Apply green stormwater facilities system-wide to create cost-effective projects Used an opportunity-based (flexible) approach Program Management Functions Developed methods for cost & performance tracking See PortlandOnline Sustainable Stormwater Case Studies Developed maintenance programs Developed policies and documentation Developed public / private partnerships

11 City Support & Policy Development
Stormwater Management Manual Private Development Public Works Projects Hierarchy of Controls – Green & infiltration first Green Building Policy Green Street Policy Grey to Green Initiative

12 Partnerships Portland Public Schools

13 Transitioning to Mainstream: Integrating Standard Practices
As Portland works to integrate it’s mission of sewage and stormwater collection and treatment with watershed management, it becomes necessary for that integration to be reflected in the fundamental components of our business, especially in the management of assets. For this to happen, the integration must be incorporated into the asset planning phase, which is the Division I manage at Environmental Services.

14 Mainstreaming: Tabor to the River (T2R) Program
Brooklyn Creek Basin Combined sewer basin Approximately 1,500 acres (2.25 sq miles, 5.83 sq km) Primarily high-density, single-family residential development (70%) with some commercial along major arterials 37% impervious surface 3.2 miles from Mt Tabor Park to the Willamette River This is a sewer basin and a subwatershed. This work is about addressing the needs of both in one project. 7,400 properties in this area (70% residential)

15 Previous Strategy: Address Flooding through Sewer Separation & New Combined Pipes
2000 Pre-Design Recommendation Cost = $144 million Use Tabor to the River Program as an example of this integrated project delivery model Primarily residential area covering 1,500 acres (2.25 sq. miles) 2000 pre-design all pipe approach 120,000’ storm pipe + substantial CS pipe 2 kinds of problems 1) basement flooding, deteriorating pipes 2) stormwater removed from combined system;

16 Pre-design Revised Strategy: Green stormwater infrastructure & fewer pipes
2006 Revised Pre-Design Cost = $81 million Solution: decrease piping system; implement sustainable stormwater options such as streets and parking lots with SW controls, Greenroofs Green approaches integrated with gray approaches At less cost than pipe alternative $’s

17 Tabor to the River: Public Works Projects
17 17

18 Tabor Private Property Retrofits
Manage runoff from private property in targeted areas Manage 350k ft2 of private roof & parking lot runoff BES provides technical & financial support to owner Owner signs legal, long-term O&M agreement & owns facility

19 Tabor Vegetation & Livability Projects
Implements three aspects of watershed management services in the basin: Street Trees Revegetation Projects in parks Community Livability Projects Reveg projects include 30 acres of invasive species removal and revegetate with native plants Street tree goal is to plant 3,500 trees Community livability projects include pedestrian bridge for river access & SE 19th Street pocket park $110,000 = £72,000

20 Public Outreach: Critical Element
Variety of Communication Methods Rain Garden Workshops Art of Stormwater 20

21 Planting Plans & Roll-out Green Street
A nightmare or an opportunity. This process has evolved. Make sure your landscape architect has choices ready before 30% design. This allows time for graphic work to be done. 21

22 Presentation Outline Context: BES and Green Streets
Evolution of Green Streets in Portland Innovation & Demonstration – Projects Application & Implementation – Programs Mainstreaming – Practices Recent Applications and Lessons Learned Conclusions 22 22

23 Neighborhood: SE Tibbetts & Harrison
67 green street facilities (36 in area shown above) 23 23

24 SE Tibbetts & Harrison Green Streets
Competition for space in the ROW: trees, mailboxes, utility poles, parking, driving 24 24

25 Division Streetscape 25 25

26 Division Streetscape & Reconstruction
75 green street facilities, 50 paid for by Environmental Services, 25 by the Transportation bureau. That means approximately 75 parking locations were taken as part of the pedestrian control or stormwater control facilities. 26 26

27 Bicycles: NE Klickitat Neighborhood Greenway
23 green street facilities; 27 27

28 NE Klickitat Greenway 75 green street facilities, 50 paid for by Environmental Services, 25 by the Transportation bureau. That means approximately 75 parking locations were taken as part of the pedestrian control or stormwater control facilities. 28 28

29 Freight District: SE Clay Green Street
75 green street facilities, 50 paid for by Environmental Services, 25 by the Transportation bureau. That means approximately 75 parking locations were taken as part of the pedestrian control or stormwater control facilities. 29 29

30 Freight District: SE Clay Green Street
75 green street facilities, 50 paid for by Environmental Services, 25 by the Transportation bureau. That means approximately 75 parking locations were taken as part of the pedestrian control or stormwater control facilities. 30 30

31 Conclusions Portland’s Green Stormwater Infrastructure Programs development from the early 1990s Pilot projects lead to programs of projects, which lead to standardized practices Identifying multiple benefits enables partnerships and joint-efforts where those receiving the benefit help fund the project

32 References … Stormwater Management Manual: Design Specifications (see Section 00415): Tabor to the River Program: Sustainable Stormwater Program:

33 Thank You!

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