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GTECH 709 Criteria for evaluation

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1 GTECH 709 Criteria for evaluation
Quizzes Lab exercises Midterm and final exam Project

2 Quizzes Each week, you will encounter a variable number of small quizzes Each quiz is related to the lecture or lab material of that week You should have no problem passing the quiz in flying colors if your work through the material of that week The total of all quizzes is worth 14% of the total course grade

3 Lab Assignments Most of the weeks, you will encounter a small number of software exercises As mentioned under course policies, you have to submit your assignments on time The total of all lab exercises is worth 40% of your course grade

4 Exams There is one midterm (28 Oct) and one final exam (16-18 Dec)
Each are worth 15% of the course grade The exams are based on the lecture material The final exam is cumulative and will for the first half of the semester concentrate on the worst answered topics of the midterm

5 Project Everybody has to pursue an individual GIS software project
Examples of previous projects can be found here, here and here. You are encourage to plan for your own project as soon as possible Discuss your ideas with the instructor on a continuing basis The project is worth 16% of the total course grade

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