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Legislative Update May 26, 2015.

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1 Legislative Update May 26, 2015

2 2DAC – May 13, 2015 Contact with Local Delegation School Start Date
This years budget touted as an “Education Budget”

3 K-12 Budget Base Student Cost $2,220 per student (2015-16), Statutorily Required $2,801 per student
Provision House Version Senate Version School Bus Purchase $27M $29M Instructional Materials $24.5 $40M Hold Harmless Funds to EFA $8.5M $7.6M Expansion of Reading Coaches $4.9M Expansion of Summer Reading Camps $1.5M Technology Initiatives $29.2M Professional Development in Technology $4M Professional Development Project Read $500K Bus Shop $9M Increase State Charter School Growth $11.8M $11.8 Funding for Colleges, Universities to Sponsor Charter Schools $0M $1.4M

4 House Education Policy Review and Reform Task Force
Task force made up of lawmakers, educators, business leaders, and school leaders Report due to Speaker of House at beginning of next legislative session Task force will study: State’s education funding system School year calendar with emphasis on fulfilling number of credits required to graduate Education standards Requirements of school districts with goal to eliminate unfunded mandates

5 Tuition Tax Credits, Vouchers (H.3072)
Provides nonprofit scholarship funding to provide grants for defraying educational costs for exceptional needs children Provides tax credits for individuals or businesses that make contributions made to nonprofit scholarship funding H.3072 Introduced and referred to House Committee on Ways and Means (1/13/15)

6 Appointed State Superintendent of Education (H.3041)
Amend Constitution of South Carolina to delete State Superintendent of Education from list of elected state officers Provide that State Superintendent of Education be appointed by Governor H.3041 Second reading on House floor favorable (3/25/15) Recommitted to House Committee on Judiciary (3/26/15)

7 Freedom of Information Act (S.11 and H.3192)
Public body must give written public notice, including time and location, of regular meetings at beginning of each calendar year Public body must provide agenda for all regularly scheduled meetings in a publicly accessible place (e.g., bulletin board at meeting place, website, etc.) No additional agenda items can be added without an additional twenty-four hours notice to the public Agenda items added later than twenty-four hours before the meeting can only be added by two-thirds vote of the body, only if an emergency exists S.11 Reported out Favorably by Senate Committee on Judiciary (1/28/15) Approved and read third time by Senate (2/3/15 ) Introduced in House and referred to House Committee on Judiciary (2/4/15) H.3192 Reported out Favorably by House Committee on Judiciary (2/11/15) Approved and read third time by House (2/17/15) Introduced in Senate and referred to Senate Committee on Judiciary (2/18/15)

8 Freedom of Information Act (H.3191)
Cut Freedom of Information Act request time from fifteen days to ten days Establishes “Office of Freedom of Information” within Administrative Law Court to avoid lawsuits Sets limits on cost for document search and copies H.3191 Reported out Favorably by House Committee on Judiciary (2/11/15) Approved and read third time by House (2/18/15) Introduced in Senate and referred to Senate Committee on Judiciary (2/18/15)

9 Equal Access to Interscholastic Activities Act (H.3073)
Allow private school students access athletic and extracurricular activities in public schools within their attendance zone H.3073 Introduced in Senate and referred to Senate Committee on Education (4/1/15)

10 South Carolina Jobs, Education and Tax Act (H.3672)
Developed over the past few years by coalition of education groups Goal is to provide equitable, stable, and sound revenue source for public schools Will bring transparency and simplification of education funding Property tax relief for business, manufacturing and non-owner occupied properties H.3672 Introduced and referred to House Committee on Ways and Means (2/17/15)

11 Stand Up for Public Education
Get Informed Get Ready Get Connected Get Strategic Get Involved Get Results

12 Superintendent Timeline

13 Our Aiken County Schools are Succeeding!
Congratulations ! Class of 2015 Our Aiken County Schools are Succeeding!

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