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Cohesion Policy Data needs

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1 Cohesion Policy Data needs
Presented by Lewis Dijkstra, PhD Deputy Head of the Analysis Unit

2 Structure Activities last 12 months Priorities for the coming years
Urban and regional impact of the crisis (8PR) Assessing impact with a territorial dimension GDP and beyond: Actions Priorities for the coming years Cohesion Policy: Proposals and negotiations

3 Urban and regional dimension of the crisis (June 2013)
8th Progress report (may be the last) Difficult due to changes in NUTS and NACE and crisis is still ongoing Data lags at the regional level and response rates Relies on metro regions and degree of urbanisation for the urban dimension

4 Change in employment and GVA

5 Change in GDP,

6 Change in employment,



9 Main messages The impact of the crisis is uneven and unfinished
The risk of poverty and exclusion is growing Government finances have deteriorated with a delayed impact on sub-national authorities Trade and FDI are recovering, but unemployment remains high Metro regions show mixed performances with capitals performing better and smaller metro less well.

10 Assessing impact with a territorial dimension: Operational Guidance
Published in January 2013 Emphasises need to consider territorial impacts Easier due to: Better sub-national data (official and other) Better territorial typologies (EC + OECD) Better tools (models, quick scan …)

11 GDP and beyond: Actions
Published August 2013 Clearly features regional and other sub-national dimensions Underlines need to also consider this dimension for well-being indicators

12 Regional Competitiveness index 2013
Draft report published in August 2013 Final report in October 2013 Based on 73 indicators (regional and some national) 11 Pillars, 3 pillar groups, 1 index

13 To be used for benchmarking and strategy development
Significant changes since 2010 Five groups of regions instead of 3 Many new indicators Several indicators dropped More functional regions Not to be compared with 2010 version

14 Perception survey on QoL in European Cities
Conducted in November 2012 To be released on 8 October 2013 Covers cities (and greater cities)

15 New Data collections Regional business demography (ongoing)
Crime (to be continued?) Local population Road network Rail network speeds Urban Atlas 2011

16 6th Cohesion Report: Hints and issues
Long time perspective Cohesion Policy Road infrastructure Demography Urban land use patterns Access to public transport Modelling: RHOMOLO, LUMP and TRANSTOOLS Eco-system services Territorial impact of other EU policies

17 To composite indicator or not?
Regional Competitiveness index, 2013 Quality of government index, 2013 Human development index Human poverty index 2 Europe 2020 index Entrepreneurship index

18 Priorities for the future
Survey on Income and Living Conditions: NUTS 2 Include territorial typologies in regulation Dissemination and promotion of territorial typologies including city definition and degree of urbanisation Promoting bottom-up grids and improving disaggregation grids The bottom half of the urban hierarchy Population projections

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