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SCHOOL COUNCIL WORSHIP Monday 20th November 2017

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1 SCHOOL COUNCIL WORSHIP Monday 20th November 2017

2 Aim: The aim of our anti bullying worship is to celebrate that we are all different and unique. In our school we want everyone to feel valued and included and be able to be yourself!!


4 What is unique about our School Council Reps?
I am unique because….




8 This is why we SAY NO to BULLYING in our school and we TELL someone we trust if we feel it is happening to us or others.

9 We would now like to read you a story about a boy, who was worried because he was different.

10 By the end of the story Norman realised that he couldn’t hide his uniqueness and had to let his wings out!! Can you find the courage to be yourself? We want everyone in our school to show off their wings and celebrate how unique we all are!

11 WE ARE….. Official Anti Bullying Week Video 2017

12 School Council Anti Bullying Week Challenge:
Can you decorate your own feather to show how unique you are? Can you find the courage to celebrate how special you are? We will collect all the feather’s in and create our own ‘All Different All Equal display.

13 Let us pray together: Dear God, Thank you for chances to restore one another’s self-confidence. Remind us of this whenever we spot an instance of bullying. May we seek to be people full of love and care for others. May we seek to build others up, rather than tear them down. Amen.

14 Thank you for listening to us. Now it’s your turn!
Who can think of one thing you are going to do this week to make someone you know in school feel valued, respected and part of our Wesham family?

15 Let’s say together the ‘Anti Bullying’ message to help us remember!

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